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New Primary 1


I really enjoyed meeting everyone on Friday and I am really looking forward to us all being together and starting our learning journey  in August.

Activity 4

Going somewhere new might feel a little bit scary and that’s ok.   With a grown up’s help you can send a message to Barney Bear (Miss Cassidy’s bear) to ask him any questions that you might have about starting school.  Your grown up can email your question to

Near the end of the story the family found a cave.  Can you make a den for your bear in your house?


Activity 3

This week we are going to continue our bear hunt by exploring using our senses …

Let’s try making a bubble storm.  You can try making your own bubbles and wand by watching this Cbeebies clip or you could ask a grown up to blow lots of bubbles for you and your bear  to run through.

Have fun everyone.

Remember you can send any photos to:

We would love to share the photos on our school Twitter feed.  Please let us know in your email if you would be happy for us to do so.


Hi boys and girls

I hope you enjoyed your bear hunt last week and had fun making your binoculars.  How many bears did you see?  Thank you to everyone who emailed in photographs.   It is lovely to see the boys and girls having fun.

I would also  like to say a big thank you to the boys and girls of Neilsland Primary who put their bears on their window sills as part of our bear hunt.

Activity 2

This week we are going to make a mini bear hunt.  What things can you find in the house or what natural things can you collect from outside?

You might want to think about …

Swishy swashy grass,
Splash sploshing in the river,
Squelchy, squerchy mud
A big dark forrest – stumble, trip, stumble, trip
A swirling, whirling snow storm – hoooo woooo
A narrow gloomy cave – tiptoe, tiptoe

You could take a photograph of your mini bear hunt,  draw a picture or make a model.

Remember you can send any photos to:

We would love to share the photos on our school Twitter feed.  Please let us know in your email if you would be happy for us to share your photos.

Have fun!

A virtual tour of our school

Click on the following link to see inside the school and meet some of the people who work here.

TOUCH this image to discover its story. Image tagging powered by ThingLink

17.5.21  What is transition?

Transition is when your child moves from one thing to another.  Your child will already be used to some little transitions during the day such as getting dressed, tidying toys away and putting their  jacket on to go outside.

Moving into Primary 1 is a bigger transition and all children need a little help to prepare them for this transition.

As our usual transition activities will be a little different this year, we have planned a mini topic based around the story of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

We would like to share this story with you.  See link below.

Activity 1

We would like you to pick a teddy bear and put your bear in the window of your house so that your bear can be seen from the street.

The boys and girls of Neilsland Primary are also going to put a bear or a picture of a bear in their window too.  You will be able to spot the bears from Monday 17 May – Sunday 23 May.

When you are out for a walk you can look and see how many bears you can see.

You might need something to help you spot those bears so if you would like to, you can make a set of binoculars.

You will need

  • 2 toilet rolls
  • some wrapping paper or coloured paper
  • some string/wool
  • a hole punch/sellotape
  • pens/stickers to decorate.

We would love it if you could share some photos of your child making their bear hunt binoculars and/or going on their bear hunt.

Please send any photos to  

Neilsland Primary School

We are so excited to welcome our new Primary 1 children to Neilsland Primary School and into our Neilsland family.

My name is Miss Cassidy and I will be your Primary 1 teacher.  I am really looking forward to meeting you and starting our new adventure together.

The Ahlbergs' great lesson about Starting School | Children and teenagers | The Guardian

Neilsland Primary School Handbook 2021-22
