P2/3 November Blog

P2/3 have already been very busy and it’s only just November!

Author Visit

Jessie tells us, ‘We just had an author visit so he could tell us about his books and his life. I liked hearing about his books and being sprayed with water! I thought it was good especially for people who might want to be an author.’

Elliot ‘liked when Stuart Reid came in and told us all about his books. It was really funny especially when his grandpa came in to visit!’

‘I liked it when random things popped up behind him and we all laughed and also when people from the audience were acting parts of his books,’ said Quinn.


The children enjoy the variety of activities within Literacy.

Kaitlyn loves ‘handwriting because we get to learn and practise how to form our letters correctly.’

Lucy likes ‘learning new words. I like making them and writing them.’

Sophie tells us that ‘the Kenning poems were teaching my brain facts about the animals or objects so I could write a really good poem.’  And she did!

‘My favourite work, to be fair, is writing. I really enjoyed writing a recount about my October holiday,’ said Elliot.

Lily ‘liked doing all the fun activities during Roald Dahl Day, especially making the fox mask because we were reading Fantastic Mr Fox.’ Jessie also wanted to share her favourite Roald Dahl story with us . She was a great storyteller!




We have been looking at Place Value, Estimation and Rounding, Addition, Subtraction and now we are working on Multiplication and Division.

‘I like all the Maths activities,’ Ibrahim says.

Sahan loves ‘learning about numbers. I do great work and then I see a star from the teacher which means I can get a point.’

We’ve also covered lots of practical Maths activities such as 2D and 3D Shape,  Measurement using cm and m and we have been looking for right angles in the class and outside.


Skills Workshops

Each class have been involved in learning Expressive Art skills from different teachers. We did Drama with Mrs Gilroy and we have also covered  Art skills with Miss May. Soon we will be covering Music skills with Miss Craig.

Sophie tells us that she ‘enjoyed our Drama lessons because when you grow up you might want to be an actor.’

Outdoor Learning

Kaiden says, ‘I like going outside to do chalk and to play games with my friends’, during Outdoor Learning.

Harley and Ibrahim both agree that they love ‘going in the Muga pitch because we get to practise football.’

This is us making funny faces with natural materials that we found ‘up the back’.


The children had a fun packed Halloween and looked amazing in their outfits.

Quinn ‘loved seeing everybody in their costumes’, even the teachers!

They made a Halloween plaque,  drew spooky pictures, made Frankensien’s monsters and even did some division using sweets and witches hats. Not forgetting the all important party…

‘We had so much fun at the Halloween party.  I loved winning the candy!’ Arwyn tells us.


Our Nativity this year is called ‘It’s A Party!’

Elliot tells us that ‘We are practising and learning our songs for our Nativity. I can’t wait to find out what part I’m playing. My favourite songs are Two Thousand Years Ago and our new song, Wise Men.’


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