P2/3 January Blog

We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and we are all looking forward to a busy new year. It’s great to see the boys and girls back to school and full of enthusiasm!

Looking back to last term Kali tells us what a great time everybody had at the Christmas party.  She ‘loved dancing and playing Pass the Parcel,’ especially because she won the prize!  Elliot ‘loved winning the Best Dancer competition’ and Arwyn ‘loved playing Corners because you don’t know which corner they are going to choose. It’s so exciting!’

The children enjoyed taking part in the nativity ‘It’s  Party’.  Sophie loved having lots of lines to learn in her role as the Chief Angel Gabriel, she adds, ‘it was fun and something I will never forget!’

Harley enjoyed that the nativity gave everyone in the class an opportunity ‘to work together as a team, even though it was hard!’



These photos show the children reading in a very different way before Christmas. They found it very comfortable especially dressed in all their cosy clothes!

Arwyn has been writing lots of stories and sharing them with the class. Well done Arwyn, you are an inspiration! We are going to continue to look at narratives this term as well as other types of writing.

Jessie says, ‘I really like to write sentences and stories because I like to use connectives and different types of punctuation like exclamation marks.’

Shea tells us, ‘We’ve been practising with Mrs Mark to write our handwriting neatly’ and adds, ‘I am learning to write my letters on the line’. The class are now going to continue to practise their joins.

Literacy is such an important aspect of our day. Elliot says, ‘when we use our Active Literacy boards I like to practise using my phonemes to make words.’  Sahan tells us, ‘I like to spell hard words’.  Well done you two!

Here is Markus showing off his work from this week using the ‘ie’ phoneme.  He made every word using his magnetic letters first and then he wrote each one. Well done Markus. Don’t forget you all have this board at home from when it was gifted to you from the school. so you can practise at home too!

Salut! We have been learning our colours in French and are ‘fantastique’ at asking for our coloured lunch trays in the dinner hall. We are also learning to count to 20 in French and love it when Monsieur Perroquet (the parrot) helps us!


‘I love it when we are all quiet and doing our Maths sums because I know it will be very useful when I’m older,’ Sophie tell us. Good point Sophie!

Recently we have been working with money. ‘I like to count out the value of items using coins and notes’, Harley tells us and Elliot says, ‘I always like to calculate the total cost when we are working with money’.  ‘We also set up a shop and we buy stuff and work out the total costs’, mentions Jessie. Kaiden and Shea have had fun counting out amounts to use at our shop too. Good job boys!

We have been looking at fractions and working out halves and quarters of amounts. We also know about the numerator and denominator. Please ask your children all about them.

In multiplication and division Shea tells us that he likes to skip count in 2s and 5s. ‘I like to get hard times tables,’ says Sahan. Elliot agrees that he likes a challenge too. Freya especially likes the 10 times table.

The class have continued to look at measurement. ‘We worked with a partner to measure things in the class and now we are starting to look at time,’ says Elliot.  Arwyn adds that, ‘We have been learning about quarter past and half past the hour.’

Scotland Topic

We are going to find out where people have visited in Scotland and put all the places on a map. ‘I’ve been to the River Clyde’,  Elliot told us. We are looking forward to hearing where everyone has been and what they did there. You will soon be sent home a worksheet to fill in to tell the class all about this.

We have been starting to look at land use in Scotland so we will relate this to where you have visited.

We have also been learning about Nessie, she lives in Loch Ness close to Inverness.  The boys and girls loved making their ‘fold out’ Nessies. They go from being cute to fearsome! Jessie tells us that,  ‘We looked at reports about who had seen Nessie, but they were almost all hoax or false sightings.’ Blake told us he thinks he saw something in the water when he visited Loch Ness recently. So who knows?

Our Class Assembly will be about Scotland and it will be on Friday 23rd February after lunch. Hope to see you there!




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