P2/3 April Blog

We can’t quite believe that this will be our last term in P2/3 before we finish for the Summer holiday. We have a busy term ahead with lots of new challenges!

Looking back to last term and our class assembly about Scotland…

This is what some of the children had to say about it-

Sophie- ‘I think our assembly was really funny and it gave us the chance to show off our learning.’

Logan- ‘It was fun. I liked having the role of the doctor and I liked my line.’

Arwyn- ‘I liked being Nessie for our assembly because I liked popping out and saying my lines- I was like a boomerang!’

Halle- ‘I loved my yellow submarinne with sparkles on.’

Quinn- ‘I thought all the costumes were funny!’

Caled- ‘I liked the fact that the audience would have been learning things about Scotland.’

Jessie- ‘I liked all my big lines and pointing at the map. I think we all did an amazing job!’ I have to agree, I think you all did an amazing job too, Jessie!

Open Afternoon

In February we had an open afternoon and we welcomed parents and carers into the class. During this time we made our ‘Magical Yets’. This was based on a book we read in class that discussed how we all have to practise, practise and practise to become good at something. So instead of giving up, it encourages us to change our mindset to be, ‘I cannot do this YET’

The children have been telling me about the fact that this has helped them-

Arwyn told us that she ‘can’t ride on her roller-skates yet but I think of the things in my head that can support me.’ Good advice Arwyn!

Jessie said, ‘It increased my confidence because I sometimes get upset but when I think of the things on my Magical Yet they help me not to be sad.’

Sophie also mentioned that she now takes a deep breath and doesn’t panic before she tries something hard. ‘Before I did the Magical Yet sometimes I would panic’ she told us.

Kali remembers, ‘I won’t give up’ to help her when work gets tricky. Good for you Kali!

World Book Day

For World Book Day the children did lots of fun activities to celebrate.

They dressed up as book characters and Blair said that he ‘loved being someone from Horrible Histories.’

Elliot- ‘I loved going up to the Nature area and reading our books.’

Kaiden- ‘It was good sitting next to Blair and Christopher. We chatted about our books.’

Lucy tells us that, ‘we made reading buddies that were reading books that we designed’. She loved to make them.


We are excited to have a new class reader called The Hodgeheg.

Blair says, ‘I like our new book because the burb tells us that Max is a hero and I want to find out why.’

Jessie tells us, ‘We’ve read Chapter 1 and 2 so far and I like that Max is trying to discover how humans cross the road without getting injured.’

Caled adds, ‘In Chapter 1 we used our prior knowledge to write what we already knew about hedgehogs and then we read more from the book and we noted down the new facts we had learned.’

Ozy was interested that in Chapter 2, ‘we found tricky words and tried to work out what they meant in context. Then we looked them up in the dictionary.’ Caled remembered that this was called Metalinguistics, which was a very tricky word! Quinn loved ‘looking in the dictionary to find our tricky words. It’s like being a detective!’

Blair also loves, ‘doing diacritical marking because I like marking the dots, lines and rainbows to show the single phonemes, joined phonemes and split phonemes.’

Jessie liked the poetry that we wrote before Easter, “we wrote spring calligram poems. I had fun writing my poem in a shape”.

The class also made sock puppets and wrote instructions to tell someone else how to make them. Lucy tells us that she loved making them and that she showed her Mummy when she got home.


Sahan liked to learn his 3 times table, ‘ now I can count on in 3s’ he tells us. Logan loves maths, ‘it is just so much fun because I know my 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables now!’

Jessie says, ‘we’ve been learning how to do chimney sums and I know how to set them out neatly in my jotter’.

Kaitlyn tells us, ‘we were learning about time; analogue and digital clocks, am and pm, quarter past and quarter to”. Elliot says this is important because ‘if you don’t know the time you might be late for your job!’ Good point!

We have also been working onĀ  Information Handling. Hannah tells us that, ‘we have been using tally marks to make a note of everyone’s eye colour and then we made a chart showing everyone’s eye colour.’


Ozy tells us that, ‘we have been learning about different materials like wool, plastic and glass. We were looking around the school for different things made of these materials.’

Before this, the class were working on electricity. Sophie tells us that they were learning about the things that electricity can travel through, ‘these are conductors and if it can’t go through, they are called insulators’ .

‘We were making circuits using batteries and wires, we could press a buzzer and turn on a lightbulb. It was great!’ said Blake.


Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt. We have been having a great time learning lots of facts about this interesting part of history.

Kaitlyn has found it particularly interesting that even cats were turning into mummies because ‘they believed in the afterlife’.

Harley has liked learning about the tombs inside the pyramids because he likes the hieroglyphics.

Elliot thought it was amazing how long ago the Ancient Egyptians were around and also how long they played such an important role in history.

We still have much to learn and then we will also be involved in a Ancient Egypt workshop at Kelvingrove Museum on the 13th of June which we are all looking forward to!

These are our pyramids that we made. If you look inside you’ll even find a sarcophagus and all the things the Pharoah might need in the afterlife!



Cho’s Taekwondo members came to visit and they delivered a taster session for the children. They loved it!

Shea was very proud to share his club with the school!