All posts by C. Reid

Lunchtime and After School Clubs


We are delighted to inform you that some of our lunchtime and after school clubs will resume from next week for our P1-P7 pupils.      We are offering a variety of clubs for various different stages in the school between November and Christmas and we also have more clubs planned for after Christmas holidays.

Please look at the document below that outlines the clubs being offered  the day the club will take place, if it is a lunchtime or after school club, the stage or stages that the club is for, who will be leading the club.

There is also a link to click on to to sign up for each club if your child wishes to participate in it. Completing this form will act as the permission form for the club. Some of our clubs have limited places and these will be offered on a first come basis. Parents will be informed if their child has been successful in receiving a place at the relevant after school club so that they are aware of what time their child will be leaving school on those days.

Lunchtime and After School Clubs Information and Permission Slip

Many thanks
Mrs Reid

Parent’s Evening Video Calls

In order to connect to your Parent’s Evening Video call at your appointment time please go to

You will be asked to enter your own and your child’s details. These are the details provided by families in the annual data form.
If you are having any issues connecting to your appointment tonight or tomorrow night please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Below is a video to assist with accessing the School Cloud system for parents evening.


Start of Term

Please find below an update for the return to school in August 2021. Please note there have been staffing changes for two of our classes; P3 & P5. We look forward to welcoming everyone to school on the first day of term on Monday 16th August. There are further letters from Tony McDaid Executive Director of Education and the NHS about the return to school.

Information for the start of term

Parent and carer Letter from Tony McDaid Executive Director of Education

Letter from Tony McDaid

NHS letter with information for parents of pupils in schools

Letter for schools from NHS

NHS Letter with information for parents of children in Nurseries

Letter for parents of nursery children