New Lunch Menus

A reminder that our new school menu starts tomorrow Monday 29th August 2022.

Free school meals are now available for all pupils from Primary 1 to 5. There is  a cost for Primary 6 and 7 is £2, which can be paid through Parent Pay. Below is a link to the new menu which is also on the calendar section of the app.

New School Lunch Menu

New Nursery Lunch Menu

Can parents also please check the balance of their parent pay account in case there is a debit in your account for school lunches or milk last week. The cost of milk for those pupils who do not receive free milk is 26p  each day, which can be paid through Parent Pay.

If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction you are  automatically awarded free school meals (P6 to S6) and/or school clothing grants (P1 to S6) to eligible families, which also entitles families to free milk at lunch.

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