Welcome back to term 4

Hello to all of our children and families! I hope that all of you are safe and well and that you all had a peaceful Spring Break. The weather has been beautiful. All of the staff in the nursery and school are missing seeing our children and families. We know that we are all in a very unusual situation just now and we hope that you are managing to adjust to this. Thanks to the pupils and parents who responded to our home learning survey. Your feedback was very helpful and has helped us to make improvements to our programme of home learning. Today is the first day of the new school term, it is a strange term but we know this is the way things have to be just now. Our teachers are working hard at home to provide home learning activities. Our P1 to P7 teachers will be providing 3 home learning tasks each day for pupils. This will include a literacy task, a numeracy task and a task within another curricular area. P4 to P7 classes will use google classroom and tasks will be uploaded here and on the school website. Tasks for P1 to P3 pupils will be uploaded on to the school website. Activities and suggestions for our nursery pupils and pupils in our Additional Support Needs classes will be uploaded on the school website. Starting today we are launching new email addresses for each class. This will allow our families to contact class teachers and nursery staff with any questions you may have regarding the home learning materials provided or supporting your child with home learning. Email addresses will be issued today. I hope that you find this enhanced communication helpful.
Best wishes to all everyone!smiley
Kind regards
Mrs Tremble

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