Good morning everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for some more Home Learning activities! Here is your positivity and motivation for the week.
Here are you work suggestions for the week:
- Squares: Squares 11.5.20. Revise counting in 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s.
- Circles: Circles 11.5.20. Revise the 2, 3, 4, and 5 times tables. Revise your knowledge for digit numbers. Can you order them from biggest to smallest/smallest to biggest?
- Triangles: Triangles 11.5.20. Revise the 2, 3, 4, and 5 times tables. Revise counting in 10s, 20s, 50s, 100s and 200s.
- Crayons: Crayons 11.5.20
- Pencils and Rulers: Pencils and Rulers 11.5.20
- Pens: Pens 11.5.20
- Red: Consolidation of recent weeks words – sign, design, gnome, cushion, push, pull, gym, mystery, rhythm.
- Blue: (th) them, this, then, there, these, father, mother, that, rather.
- Green: Consolidation of recent weeks words – crumb, comb, climb, know, knot, knew, cuff, cliff, stiff.
Can you choose one of these story settings and write a paragraph describing it. Remember to include VCOP to up level your writing. You could use descriptions of your senses to also make it more interesting to the reader – what you could you see, hear feel? You can send a picture of your stories to the school photos email.
- Newsround and Quiz.
- Keeping yourself active – in the house, garden, walking, cycling etc. You can look at previous weeks for ideas.
- Design a healthy eating poster.
- Research some healthy recipes and try them out (I have been trying lots of different smoothies!)
- Help around the house (I’m sure it would be appreciated)
Expressive Arts
- Dance and Movement Recording Activity
- Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh Art Appreciation Activty
- Mime Differentiated Role Play Challenge Cards
- Musical Instruments Wordsearch
I hope you have a great week. Please let me know if you have any questions and don’t forget to check tomorrow for our Tuesday Challenge – it might be a little different this week 😉