31.03.20 – Some Extras!

Good Morning everyone,

As well as yesterdays suggested home learning below are some extra links and ideas.

Dave The Dog Story
This is a lovely little story that explains the current situation in a child friendly way. I know some of our children may be worried or find it tricky to talk about so this might be helpful.

Dave the Dog ย 

There are some goodย yoga videos you could take part inย through this link. There should be new videos uploaded on Sundays.

Yogido Youtube

Life Skills
Following on from my message last week about the importance of play/life skills and taking part in activities around the house. There are lots of suggested ideas for rich learning opportunities here that the you may already be doing with your child. ย This list is aimed at First and Second level so please pick and choose.


Have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚
Miss Laidlaw


w/b 30.3.20

Good Morning Room 4 and grown ups ๐Ÿ™‚

Welcome to week 2 of home learning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get out and enjoy the little bit of sunshine that we had. Monday mornings are not the same without seeing all of your happy faces.

I’d love to know what you have all been up to over the weekend. This jigsaw has been keeping Miss Laidlaw very busy – 9 hours so far!

See if you can spot anything you recognise so far…there is definitely some landmarks from our Where is Joe book!

Week 2 will be very similar to week 1 as we should still have plenty in our home learning pack to keep us going. Suggested plan:

*2 literacy tasks
-one reading or one writing activity from home learning folder.
-one spelling activity (see tabs at top of this page for common words and phonemes)
*15 minutes personal reading
*1 numeracy task
-numeracy activity from home learning folder
-top marks game
* 1 other additional activity (you could be working on your WW1 tank)

Has anybody had a go at Joe Wicks PE lesson? I tried it last week and had to have a big lie down afterwards! I am going try and have a go 3 times this week – wish me luck.

Active Schools South Lanarkshire are uploading a PE challenge every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to twitter. Friday’s challenge was a basketball one; get a basket or a box and 10 pairs of socks. Take 10 steps back and see how many you can score. Your grown up could even upload it to share your scores with everyone!

As always, everything posted is just a suggestion and you can work on anything at your own pace ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m looking forward to seeing all of your amazing learning this week, whatever you get up to. Use the hashtag Burnsidehomelearning on twitter or use the email address gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk to share.

Stay safe and have fun!
Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚



Happy Friday!

Good Morning everyone,

I know it’s been a bit strange getting used to home learning but I hope you have all enjoyed your week spending time with your family, ย having fun, getting creative and trying to complete some of our jobs too ๐Ÿ™‚ Remember you can send any pictures to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk. Photographs intended for the blog cannot have pupils faces. However, twitter can.

Have a lovely relaxing weekend. The weather looks like it might be perfect for some fun in the garden. Remember, no weekend work!

Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚



Word War 1 Home Learning Task

As part of our WW1 topic, the children were going to be given a home learning task to create their own 3D model of a World War 1 tank. I think this is still a great idea to complete at home with your kids, if you can.

If you are able to complete this and would like to share a photograph of your amazing work in the next few weeks there a few ways you can do this.

  1. Share on twitter with the hashtag Burnsidehomelearning
  2. Send an Email to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk – this email will be used by all classes and teachers so it would be really helpful if you could include room number and class teacher in the subject. (feel free to send pictures of any learning to this email ๐Ÿ™‚ )

I am happy to post some learning pictures on our class blog so that the children can see what we’ve all been up to. However, please remember that this is a public blog so I will be unable post any names or any photo’s with children’s faces in them.

Have fun getting creative!

Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚

Free Daily Resources

Good Morning everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚
Hope you’re well

Below are some free resources that are provided daily. We have absolutely loved reading David Walliams’ book “The Worlds Worst Children” in our class so I’m delighted that he is putting up a free story on his website daily ๐Ÿ™‚

Remember do what you can, when you can and if you can!

As always, any questions or queries send me a message.

Miss you all!

Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚

Home Learning 23.03.20

Good afternoon boys and girls ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope you and your family are all keeping well. The classroom is very strange and quiet without my room 4 gang – I’m missing you all lots!

Parents and Carers
I am aware this a very bizarre uncertain time and there may be many reasons why your child is unable to complete suggested learning tasks. Please do not worry about this and only do what you are able to. I understand that you may have concerns about the continuity of learning for your child. I would like to take this time to reassure you that at this stage in your child’s development play, over-learning and practical life skills are extremely important. I know that our children may be just as worried as we are at the moment. Their routine has drastically changed and they may just be realising the reality of what this means for them, such as not seeing their friends for quite a while. At the moment, it is important that they are happy and we look out for their mental well being (as well as your own!) so please do not force them to complete tasks and allow some time to readjust to this new way of learning. Don’t worry about them falling behind – every child is in the same boat and when we are back at school we will get them caught up.

A folder has been sent out which has a range of literacy and numeracy activities. Children can work through these in any order and at any pace for now. A suggested plan for an average day may be:

*2 Literacy activities
-reading or writing task from home learning folder
-spelling activity (see tabs at the top of this page for phonemes and common words)
* 15 minutes personal reading
*1 numeracy task
– task from home learning folder
– top maths marks games to encourage fast recall
*Exercise (outdoor games, online exercise ie GoNoodle or Joe Wicks)
*1 other activity (ICT, art, music etc)

Every day at 9am Joe Wicks is doing a PE session for 30 minutes. I have linked todays below.

I have sent home study ladder passwords. These are intended to be used a bit later on and for now the focus will be on the initial home learning pack – so please don’t worry about this at the moment.

On my previous post for children who were already self-isolating there are lots of suggested activities/websites. Please feel free to access these if and when you you’d like to.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Take care of yourselves, I’ll speak to you all soon!

Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚

Home Learning for Self-Isolating Pupils

As a whole school we are currently planning for learning at home in the event of closure.

However in the meantime as there are a number of pupils who are currently absent or self isolating the following activities could be completed at home if they are feeling well.


  • Continue to practice common words and phonemes (see tab) Use a variety of spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
  • Be text detectives! Hunt for common words, phonemes, rhyming wordsย  etc in books
  • Write a weekly diary entry discussing what you have been doing and how you are feeling.
  • Find a news story that interests you online or on tv/radio and write about in in your own words.ย  You could even draw or print a picture too.
  • ย Write a mini book. It could be a fairytale, an adventure story or even a comic book.
  • Create a new front cover for your favourite book.
  • dictionary games, e.g.ย  get an adult to time you finding words.
  • Play โ€˜Stop the Busโ€™ alphabet game.


  • online maths games (topmarks.co.uk)
    The class are familiar with this website and should know which games are appropriate for their learning and which aren’t ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Still life drawing. Choose something at home to draw i.e bowl of fruit, view from window, garden, etc.
  • Personal research about World War 1
  • Easter Art. Decorate a hard boiled egg, Easter bonnet, etc.
  • Home baking.

I hope you are well and taking care of yourselves and each other. Please keep an eye on this blog as the majority of future learning is likely to be posted here however Mrs McGarvey will advise of this in due course.


Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚

Homework 16th March 2020

Have a great week!

Listed below is the reading, spelling and maths focus for each group.

Over the next few weeks the children will have an additional home learning task related to WW1. I will post more on the details of this tomorrow, once I’ve spoken to the class about itย  ๐Ÿ™‚


Strawberries โ€“ The Elves and the Shoemakers
Lemons โ€“ Have You Got Everything Colin?
Pineapples โ€“ Chloe the Chameleon
Grapes โ€“ Vroom!

Read over the text to develop confidence and fluency with decoding and tracking words.


Red Team
โ€˜ewโ€™ phoneme โ€“ drew, flew, chew, grew, threw, blew
Common Words โ€“ what, many, soon

Purple Team
โ€˜awโ€™ phoneme โ€“ draw, saw, jaw, hawk, crawl, awful
Common Words โ€“ very, fast, there

Yellow Team
โ€˜shโ€™ phoneme โ€“ shop, shut, fish, hush, ship, flash, brush
Common Words โ€“ she, come, from

Your child has been provided with a spelling activities sheet. Each night, they should complete a spelling activity. This can be a combination of written and active tasks throughout the week, to ensure your child has a firm grasp of the weekly phoneme words and common words.

A spelling test and dictation will be done at the end of the week in class to ensure the children are secure before they progress

Week 4 of Maths booklet

The children have been given a new subtraction mental maths booklet to encourage fast recall of subtraction number facts.

This can be worked on in the upcoming weeks, one page per week. (As the booklet is copied back to back, the children can hand in their completed sheet every second Friday).

Parents Night

I received a parents night slip with no childs name on it this morning (Monday 9th)

This slip identifies that their time preference is the first block (as close to 4.30 as possible) However I am unable to allocate a slot without the name and may have to wait until I receive the rest before I am able to figure out who it may be!

If you think it may be your child’s please send me a note in to secure your preferred time slot ๐Ÿ™‚

Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚