All posts by Ms Laidlaw

Wednesday Challenge

  Good Morning🙂
(This week’s Wednesday challenge is the same as last Wednesday)

This week I am looking for some architects (The people who plan and draw before anything is built) and some builders.

This week’s challenge is a good one to do indoors. IKEA has created these instructions for building furniture forts during lockdown and it got me thinking. I BET our class can come up with some amazing creations. You can use whatever you have around your house – indoors or outdoors – to build your very own tents, forts, caves, dens or castles. Please make sure your grown up knows what you are up to and what you’re planning on using (to make sure it’s safe and not too destructive!)

If you want to be an architect, rather than a builder, read below :

Remember planning and designing is extremely important! Houses, cars and any sort of inventions all need to be thought about carefully first before the hard hat and tools can even be brought out. Think about the materials you may need and how it’s going to look. It would be a good idea to draw/design your fort to plan how you are going to achieve it. If you want to get involved but don’t fancy building this week. You could be an architect! You can draw/create your own instructions (IKEA style) for a mega furniture fort design.

Here are the ideas that Ikea have created.








Please send me all of your pictures –  I can’t wait to see what you get up to.

Good luck!

Miss Laidlaw


Virtual School Trip – Under The Sea

Scroll down to find this weeks main home learning post 🙂

Under the Sea

Thanks to Miss Ferry…

Our wee pal Sebastian might be on to something at the moment so this week I thought we could take a trip under the sea and find out what all the fuss is about🐙🐟🐠

As we humans can’t breathe under water you’ll need to become a fish for the day. Click the link to find out which fish you’re going to be.🐟🦈

Which Deep Sea Creature Are You?

Welcome to the ocean! Nemo, Dory and their friends are here to give you a virtual tour.

**Some activities require flash and may not work on a mobile or tablet**

Dory has some tips for you on being a fish. Watch this clip to find out How Fish Are Adapted to Live in Water.

Wherever it lives, a fish has to find something to eat and avoid being eaten. Each type of fish has evolved with unique adaptations to help it survive in its habitat. In this game its your job to design a fish with the right adaptations to survive. Try different combinations of adaptations and see which ones work best together.

Build Your Own Fish

Oceans of the World

Our planet is made up of five great oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern. They’re all linked together, creating a huge body of saltwater called the World Ocean. It surrounds continents and islands, covering more than 70% of Earth’s surface. Click on this interactive link to find out more about Oceans and Seas.

Now you know where the different oceans are click on the link below to find out all about ocean habitats. After you watch the clip scroll down to play the game and take a quiz. Ocean Habitat BBC Bitesize.


Layers of the Ocean

🎶Let’s name the zones, the zones, the zones. Let’s name the zones of the open sea🎶

Mr Ray would like to teach you all about the layers of the ocean. Click on the link to find out more The Layers of the Ocean. Below are two websites which will allow you to travel to the deepest parts of the ocean and explore the different layers on the way. Choose a link and then scroll down the website to discover what sea creatures live in the different layers. You can try both if you like 🙂

The Deep Sea

Explore the Deepest Oceans


The Deep Sea

Journey to the bottom of the sea and learn all about sea vents. To get there, you’ll have to descend thousands of meters below sea level. Lucky for you, there’s Alvin, a submersible designed to descend 4,500 meters below sea level.

Journey to Deep Sea Vents Game

Deep Sea Ecosystem

An ecosystem is a community of living things. Living things in an ecosystem survive by interacting with each other and with their environment. In fact, there are more types of ecosystems in the ocean than on land!

Find out how organisms are connected in  ecosystem by playing this Deep Sea Interactive Game. Once you have found them all, you can explore more connections by clicking on the link that appears at the end of the game.

Glow in the Dark Sea Creatures


At least 1,500 species of fish are known to glow in the dark and scientists regularly discover new ones. Glowing in the dark has a fancy name – bioluminescence. Watch the clip below to find out more.

Deep Sea Torch

Here’s a fun craft activity you might like to try 🙂

The Great Barrier Reef

Nemo would like to take you on a tour of his home. He lives in the Great Barrier Reef which is the world’s largest coral reef system.

Click here to find out more with this Interactive Coral Reef.

Explore the Great Barrier Reef in the 360 video below. Once you have pressed play you can use the mouse to drag the screen and get a 360 view.

If you enjoyed the video you might like exploring more of the Great Barrier Reef on Google Earth at this link Google Earth – Great Barrier Reef or other Virtual Dives.

Coral Reef Ecosystem

Find out how organisms are connected in this ecosystem by playing this Coral Reef Interactive Game. Once you have found them all, you can explore more connections by clicking on the link that appears at the end of the game.

Make Your Own Coral Reef

Now that you’ve learned all about coral reefs you might want to build your own by following the instructions linked below. You could use the template to make your own Nemo for your coral reef.

Build Your Own Coral Reef

Finding Nemo – Paper Model

Nemo also has a fun Coral Reef Activity Booklet for you to download 🙂


Squishy would like to teach you all about jellyfish. Watch the video below to find out how a jellyfish stings.


Dory’s friend Bailey is a beluga whale and would like to teach you about whales. If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know Bailey uses echolocation to work out what is around him. Watch the video below to find out how this works.

Humpback Whales

Play this Whale Migration Game to find out all about humpback whales and how you can help protect them.

Blue Whale

Meet Baileys friend Blue! Blue is a model whale who lives in the American Museum of Natural History. The largest dinosaur at the museum interviewed  Blue to find out all about being a blue whale. Click on the link to go to the interview Blue Whale Interview.

Sea Turtles


Crush and Squirt would like to teach you all about sea turtles. Listen to Squirt’s favourite song to learn all about him and his friends.

Swim with squirt and his friends below in this 360 video. Press play then drag the mouse to look around.

Crush has a Sea Turtle Tracker for you. Click on a turtle to view where they have been swimming. Zoom out to get a clearer idea of what ocean they are in and click on the black dots to see what dates they were in different spots.

Saturday was a very special day for Crush and Squirt because it was World Turtle Day. World Turtle Day Colouring


I’m sure you’ll agree that there are lots of interesting creatures living in the sea. We all have a job to make sure the ocean is a safe place for them to live. Here you can read about Plastic Pollution in the Deepest Ocean and what we can do to help.

There is a special day every year to remind us of how important it is to look after the ocean. It’s called World Oceans Day and takes place on Monday 8th June. This World Ocean Daypage has lots of activities planned to celebrate this event. Have a look on their page and make a note of anything you’d like to tune into on the 8th June.

You can watch a special World Ocean Day Octonauts below.


Home Learning with Mr Ray

Mr Ray has decided to help out with your home learning this week and has put together some under the sea themed lessons. If you like you can do these instead of the home learning on the blog or as a wee extra 🙂

Numeracy and Maths

Under the Sea – Counting

Under the Sea – Addition within 10

Under the Sea – Addition and Subtraction Puzzle

Under the Sea – Counting to 30

Under the Sea – Count and Colour

Under the Sea – Colour and Count to 20

Under the Sea – Maths Activity Booklet


Read Starry Eyed Stan and use these Starry Eyed Stan – Talk Cards as discussion prompts to have a chat about the story.

Under the Sea – Pencil Control

Under the Sea – Writing Activity


Mini Water Experiments

Under the Sea Homework Choice Grid

Nemo and his school friends have put together some fun games and puzzles for you to try.

Under the Sea – Mindfulness Colouring

Under the Sea – Colouring Sheet 1

Under the Sea Interactive Dot to Dot

Finding Dory Interactive Colouring Book

Finding Dory Interactive Jigsaw

Finding Dory Memory Game

Finding Dory – Dory’s Dash

Ocean Odyssey Game

Finding Dory Activity Pack

Interactive Ocean Anagrams

Interactive Ocean Pairs Game

Shark – Paper Model

What’s for lunch Matching Activity

Blue Planet – BBC iPlayer

It turns out Sebastian was right… a wee day under the sea was just what we needed! Hope you had fun🐳

Sea you later🦀

Home Learning 26.05.20

Good morning everyone 🌞
I hope you all had a great long weekend with your families and I would love to hear what you all got up to.

This week, there won’t be a new Wednesday Challenge as I am going to repost the last one. There wasn’t a lot of time for this last week so hopefully that gives you some more time to have a go.

Below is this weeks suggested learning tasks. Remember just to do whatever suits your household best. On that note, well done grown ups! I know how busy you all are at home and how difficult these times can be. I just wanted to say thank you for finding the time to send in lovely messages and photographs of the tasks your children are doing at home. I love seeing them all!
(Remember to put Room 4 Miss Laidlaw in 
the subject box)

Usually around this time, we start to prepare our auditions for the event of the year 🙂 As we obviously will not get to share our talents on stage this year, we thought we would bring the stage to you! This is just a message to get you thinking – do you have a talent you would like to share? We are going to ask for video clips (20 Seconds) to collate and put together nearer the end of the term. The video will be shared on the Burnside Primary Twitter (as it is private) and will have a song playing over them. Try to pick some unique talents (audio won’t work for singing/jokes etc)

If you want to take part, you do not have to send in any video clips in just yet – I’ll let you know when 🙂 But get thinking!


Click the spelling tab at the top to find activities you can do to learn  your words.


Punctuation – Click the link below to find different flashcards with incorrect sentences on them. Your job is to write out the sentence correctly, fixing the capital letters and full stop errors.
Correct the Capital Letters and Full Stops

Reading and Writing
Personal Reading (20 mins each day) Remember you can access lots of online stories by clicking the reading tab at the top of the page.

Click the link below to find your group’s story with follow up reading and writing activities to pick  from.

(You don’t have to do all of this, it’s a lot. Please pick and choose the activities you would like to do)

Wombats Reading and Writing Activities
Diary of a Wombat

Pineapples and Grapes 
Superheros All Sorts Story
Reading and Writing Activities

Teddys Lists Story
Teddies List Reading Activities
Teddys Lists Writing Activities



Activity 1 – Calculation
All groups – Revise Addition. (Using addition facts you already know to help add bigger numbers)
Circles – Stick to numbers below 30 unless you are feeling really confident.

Squares and Triangles – Multiplication (I suggest having a go at the Addition first:) )

(Although I know some of our boys and girls are already learning their times tables and enjoy doing this. This is not required at their stage so please don’t worry. In P2, the children are just learning about the concept of multiplication and the idea that it is an easier way to do repeated addition. If they do really want to practise times tables –  I would stick to 2, 5 and 10)

Activity 2 – Calendar
All Groups
Months of The Year
Days of The Week

Extra challenge for squares (or anyone who feels very confident/secure in the above tasks)
Using a Calendar Game

Activity 3 – Money

Toy Shop Money
Squares  and Triangles – Try clicking ‘Mixed Coins’ and then exact money ‘up to 20p or up to £1 for challenge’.  You can also try giving change up to 20p.

Circles – Try clicking ‘Mixed Coins’ and then Exact Money ‘Up to 20p’.

If the above game is a bit tricky, try this game below for a reminder about what the coins look like and  how to sort them. We should know all coins to £1.

Coins Game

P.E and Movement Activities


This will be our mini topic focus for May (This is the last week). Click the link below to find activity ideas. For some of these activities there are activity sheets to match – I’ll put them in the tab at the top of the page – or you can make your own.

Dinosaurs mini topic


(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Below are some fun STEM activities to do at home. There’s quite a lot so I have put a few below and the rest on the science tab at the top. You could pick one or two and come back to the others later.

Ice Escape
Ice Escape Investigation Activity
Ice Escape Investigation Prompt Card

Paper Towel Rainbow
Paper Towel Colour Mixing Activity

Growing Plants
Plants From Your Kitchen

STEM Challenges
STEM Challenege 

Extra Activities
  • Take part in our virtual school trip
  • Browse previous tasks/activities you may have missed
  • Participate in our Wednesday Challenge (or any previous weekly challenges)
  • Browse curriculum pages at top of blog to find an array of different activities added to regularly.


Have a wonderful week everyone 🙂 I miss you all lots, every day!

Miss Laidlaw




Happy Birthday Fraser!

This week we have a special birthday boy. On Saturday, Fraser will be turning a big 7.

Happy (early) Birthday Fraser!🥳🥳

I hope that you have a very special day celebrating with your family, have lots of fun and eat lots of birthday cake🎂

We all miss you!

I know Fraser is missing you all a lot too, it would be lovely for you to  leave a birthday message for him below 🙂

Terrific Work Thursday

Hello boys and girls,
we made it to the end of our learning week!

I hope you have all had a lovely week. We lucked out and the sun came out for a little while. If you haven’t already done so, please remember to ‘check in’ and say hello!

Below are some super pictures I have been sent this week.

LB has been working hard on our Dinosaurs mini topic. She did some comprehension activities and even made her own dinosaur fossils. Well done L✨

CT has been very busy over the past couple of weeks making his WW1 tank. Isn’t it amazing? I can see a lot of work has went into it, what a great job C!🙂 His dad even helped him take some impressive photographs of it.

LM has been helping out and doing some baking! Here she is kneading the dough to make bread. I wonder how it tasted? Great job L⭐️

AMc made a birdfeeder for her garden. She hung it up so she could see the birds from the window when she is doing her tasks. Well done A! Hope you see lots of birds🐦

This week was Mental Health Awareness Week and this years theme was kindness. Miss Ferry was very kind and made me a lovely cup of tea during a super busy day in the hub. We talked about how much we missed all of our boys and girls! Did you do any acts of kindness  this week?

Remember our home learning post will be up on Tuesday Morning next week. I hope you all enjoy your extra long weekend. I can’t wait to hear what you all get up to 🙂

Miss Laidlaw





Wednesday Challenge

  Good Morning🙂

This week I am looking for some architects (The people who plan and draw before anything is built) and some builders.

Unfortunately the weather isn’t looking the best this week. So this week’s challenge is a good one to do indoors. IKEA has created these instructions for building furniture forts during lockdown and it got me thinking. I BET our class can come up with some amazing creations. You can use whatever you have around your house – indoors or outdoors – to build your very own tents, forts, caves, dens or castles. Please make sure your grown up knows what you are up to and what you’re planning on using (to make sure it’s safe and not too destructive!)

Here are the ideas that Ikea have created.







Remember planning and designing is extremely important! Houses, cars and any sort of inventions all need to be thought about carefully first before the hard hat and tools can even be brought out. Think about the materials you may need and how it’s going to look.It would be a good idea to draw/design your fort first to plan how you are going to achieve it. If you want to get involved but don’t fancy building this week. You could be an architect! You can draw/create your own instructions (IKEA style) for a mega furniture fort design.

Please send me all of your pictures –  I can’t wait to see what you get up to.

Good luck!

EDIT: The weather was definitely not looking good when I wrote this post… lucky us, it has changed and today looks to be fantastic now!🙂

Miss Laidlaw


Virtual School Trip – Disneyland


Thanks to Miss Ferry, this week we are off to the most magical place on earth because who doesn’t need a little bit of magic just now!

Today’s lessons are brought to you by all your favourite Disney characters. There are a few virtual rides along the way that might be more realistic if you can cast them to your television.


First things first, let’s find out What Disney Character Are You?

Now you know who you are, hop aboard Aladdin’s magic carpet ride and make your way to Disneyland. (Watch until 2 mins 18 seconds)

Welcome to Disneyland

Click here to have a look around the Magic Kingdom on Google Maps.

Technologies – Coding

Learn the basics of computer science with your favourite characters.

Moana Coding

Frozen Coding

Big Hero 6 Coding

Incredibles Roller Coaster



The characters from your favourite Disney films are taking over from Joe Wicks this week! Click on the link below and scroll down to the very bottom to find your favourite characters and lots of activities to get you moving.

Disney 10 Minute Shake Up

Each activity has a video with a clip from the movie and a demonstration of the activity. You can also find a new sport to try by taking the quiz below.

Which Sport Should I Try?


Seven Dwarfs Mine Train


Simba has a series of theatre lessons for you called the The Lion King Experience. Although this program is traditionally facilitated in a classroom setting, these instructions give you everything you need to explore theatre on your own at home. If The Lion King isn’t your thing you can find other theatre resources for Frozen, Aladdin and Mary Poppins at Disney on Stage.

Expedition Everest


Design a Theme Park

Mickey Mouse has created Imagineering in a Box to show you how artists, designers and engineers work together to create theme parks. With the help of a grown-up, big brother or sister you can complete project-based exercises to design a theme park of your very own.

Thunder Mountain


The Toy Story gang have put together some online games they think you’ll like 🙂

Frozen Game

Lightning McQueen Game

Cars Game

Inside Out Game

Disney Princess Game

Tangled Game

Beauty and the Beast Game

Star Wars Games

Slinky Dog Dash

Cooking with Remy

Remy has put together his favourite Disney recipes for you to choose from.

Mickey Breakfast Pizza

Belle’s Enchanted Breakfast Porridge

Hakuna Frittata

Jessie’s Cowgirl Hat Cookies

Alien Avocado Toast


No trip to Disneyland would be complete without some fireworks! I hope you had fun 🙂


Home Learning 18.05.20

Good Morning boys and girls (and grown ups) 🙂

Welcome to another week of home learning. I hope you had a nice weekend whether you were relaxing or keeping busy! I will be helping out in Calderwood this week so I may be slower than usual to reply to messages – but please do still send them. I love seeing what you have all been up to. Here’s the email if you haven’t had a chance yet;
(Remember to put Room 4 Miss Laidlaw in 
the subject box)

Friday and Monday is another Holiday weekend (Already? I can’t believe it either!) so there won’t be anything up on those days and you can have break from learning.  Any photos sent in will still make it on the blog on ‘Terrific Work Thursday;)’ this week.

We usually always love to celebrate Birthdays in Room 4. If you are having an ‘at home’ birthday this year, please feel free to let me know. I am sure your friends would love to leave a message to wish you all a Happy Birthday!

You may have noticed I have been adding pages to the blog as we go along. If you have a minute to browse there are some handy resources. Particularly, in the ‘support’ tab (Thanks Miss Ferry!) . I know that this is a tricky time for both the children and the grown ups – I hope that this is helpful.


Reading and Writing

(These activities can be split over a couple of days)

Personal Reading (15-20 mins daily if possible) Check the reading tab at the top of blog if you are limited with reading book options at home. There are some great ebook options.

Click the links below to find a story called Wild Pets and follow up reading and writing activities.

Wild Pets Story

Follow Up Activities

Pineapples and Grapes
Click the links below to find a story called ‘The Mouse, The Frog and The Little Red Hen’ and follow up reading and writing activities.

Mouse Frog Little Hen Story
Follow up Activities

Click the link below to find a rhyming story called ‘Dogs eat Frogs’ and follow up reading and writing activities.

Dogs Eat Frogs


Talking and Listening

Some different ideas for talking and listening activities at home. The boys and girls love the following directions style listening activities we have done in class so I have tried to find similar to those (unfortunately ours are still in the building 🙁 ) My favourite one is the 5 minute quiz (there’s a funny trick at the end to check they are truly following the instructions) but some of the groups may need help from a grown up to read through it.

5 minute quiz

Listen and do

listen and draw

These reading prompts could also be helpful to discuss a book that your child has been reading.

reading prompts



Activity 1 – Money
I hope everyone enjoyed recapping Money with RBS a couple of weeks ago. Here are some more revision activities.  Squares and Triangles- If you are confident, challenge yourself by drawing out bigger coins or using coins around the house to do the same activities 🙂

Money 1

Money 2

Activity 2 – Calculation

Activity 3 – Time
Some fun practical time activities to help ch understand the concept of Time/duration.

Time in Seconds

Activity 4 – Measure (Capacity)
Below are some activities you can do at home to learn about capacity and volume!

Capacity and volume

Capacity Practical

capacity spoon challenge

more than less than capacity

An extra weights and measure scavenger hunt weights and measure scavenger hunt

P.E and Movement Activities

  • Joe Wicks PE (every morning at 9am)
  • Active Schools Challenges (Twitter – every Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
  • Jump Start Jonny (New videos every Monday or lots available on website)
  • GoNoodle (Dance, exercise and mindfulness videos available)
  • Superhero physical training
  • activity ideas for walks

Mindful Minutes

Mindful Minute Brain Breaks


This will be our topic focus for May. Click the link below to find activity ideas. For some of these activities there are activity sheets to match – I’ll put them in the tab at the top of the page – or you can make your own.

Dinosaurs mini topic



Most of the boys and girls in the class have read a book called ‘How to Make a Bird Feeder’ as their school reading book. We were planning on having a go at putting this in action in class and then hanging them up in the playground. In the book they used pinecones and rolled them in peanut butter which you could easily do at home 🙂 but obviously this isn’t something we would have been able to use in school so there are lots of other  easy ideas.

We were going to use popcorn 🙂

Homemade Bird Feeders

Extra Activities 

  • Take part in our virtual school trip
  • Browse previous tasks/activities you may have missed
  • Participate in our Wednesday Challenge (or any previous weekly challenges)


Have a wonderful week everyone 🙂

Miss Laidlaw💕

Fantastic Work Fridays⭐️

Good Morning everyone🌞

Happy Friday! Thank you for all your check ins and your photographs. I can see you have all been super busy over the past 2 weeks. Well done everybody! If you haven’t checked in yet, please remember to pop by the check in station and say hello.

Seargent. JS has been loving learning about WW1. Him and his sister have been making battlefields and trenches in the garden and look at that wonderful tank! Well done J⭐️

You’ve been working hard OD. A fantastic Spider-Man art activity – I love it! –  and a good idea for your friends too. A lovely letter for your granny and grandad too. Great work⭐️


I love your amazing flower drawing CP! Wow⭐️ She has also been hard at work learning all about space and creating what looks like a very interesting poster!

FH has been super busy learning about measure and writing a lovely letter to his gran. Well done F⭐️

LM and LRA  both drew wonderful pictures. A lovely Happy Birthday message for Mrs A by LM and an amazing drawing of Freddy from Mega Robot Bros  and Lushkin the cat by LRA. He loves when his favourite comic arrives!

Wednesday Challenge pictures have been uploaded to the weekly challenge page.

As you can see from our pictures and our weekly check in there have been lots of busy bees in our class. Well done boys and girls, I am so proud of everything you are doing.

Have a fantastic weekend🎉

Miss Laidlaw💕