Fantastic Work Fridays

Good morning boys and girls and happy May🎉 (a month of lots of birthdays in our class, we discovered!)

I can’t believe we are here already – hopefully the time going so quickly means we will be back at school before we know it. The end of the week is fast becoming my favourite time of the week. I love seeing all of your hard work and photos, reading all of your lovely and sometimes funny messages and spending time replying to you. I am so proud of you all. Thank you for checking in again this week (we even had a birthday -Happy Birthday Anna-Rose🎈).

Some of this weeks fantastic work

OM has been working hard this week. He looks like he is working hard on his spelling and his handwriting. And just look at his amazing WW1 trench. What a great job – well done O⭐️ Can you spot some of the things we learned about the trenches? I think I can spot a dugout.


Some fantastic gardening happening in OM’s household by him and his little brother. He has also been busy baking and then delivering some delicious cake to family doorsteps on his daily walks. I said since he has been so kind I will forgive him for being on that broomstick! 🙂 What a star you are O!

Someone else who has been enjoying their daily walk adventures with his family is ZS. Here is at the park using some serious balance and climbing skills to build a Dam with his big brothers! Very creative Z 🍃

From all of the messages, I could see that lots of you enjoyed the Harry Potter trip this week. I even had a go and loved it ⚡️ Here is JM enjoying the tour around the studio with his litter sister. He has also been busy working on his spelling and summarising this week. Great work J✨

And finally there has been some very creative building going on this week in Room 4 in very different ways.
CT built a fantastic lego Titanic – It must have taken ages! Amazing job C⭐️
FH, along with his brother and his mum, built an amazing spaceship using cardboard and enjoyed playing in it afterwords. Well done F🚀

I will upload all of the Wednesday challenge photos to the ‘weekly challenge’ tab at the top of the page at the end of today so you can see how your friends got on. Here is a sneaky peak below of one the spaghetti challenges. I was blown away, I’m sure you will be too🙂 Well done L, this was definitely a tricky one!


Well done everybody in Rm4. Another busy week🙂 Although I have to cover up the faces, I can promise you there are lots of happy boy and girls underneath those stars. Well done to the grown ups, you are amazing too!

Mrs Anderson also thinks you are all amazing – she has left you all a lovely comment below!  It’s her birthday on Monday too 🙂 Since we can’t make her a card in our class, maybe we can leave her some birthday messages below.

Have a lovely weekend everybody.

Miss Laidlaw💕

3 thoughts on “Fantastic Work Fridays

  1. Hi room 4, Mrs Anderson here just popping in to say well done on all your achievements! My, you have been busy. I love reading Miss Laidlaw’s blog and seeing what you’ve all been up to! I’ve been keeping busy too, ‘tho I didn’t have any spaghetti to take part in this weeks challenge! Keep smiling guys, stay safe and never forget how amazing you all are! Love Mrs A x x x

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