Fantastic Fridays!

Hello boys and girls 🙂

I hope you have all had a lovely week! I have been very busy in school this week (which is why I am only just posting this now, sorry!) I don’t have any photographs to share this week, however I have seen some fantastic sports day pictures and some amazing Burnside’s Got Talent entries on twitter – I am so proud of the confidence that some of you have. Make sure you pop over to twitter and have a look at what your friends have been doing. Well done everyone⭐️

Remember to check in if you haven’t already.

Next week will be our final week of home learning and on Wednesday we will be finished for summer. There may be a special summer surprise in store but I will tell you more on Monday…

Have a great weekend everyone.

Miss Laidlaw🌈

One thought on “Fantastic Fridays!

  1. Hello, so sorry we keep forgetting to check in and you’re making such an effort with everything so I apologise, I’m hopeless!

    Hi Miss Laidlaw, this week I have spent slot of time outdoors since it is sports week. I went fishing with my dad and went for a picnic today and rolled down a big massive hill. My tooth is going to fall out this weekend i think.I am still missing you and my friends and thank you for being the best teacher. love from Sophia x

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