Check In

Good morning boys and girls,

It’s that time of week again. Leave a message to say hello or let me know what you have been up to!

Miss laidlaw🌈

3 thoughts on “Check In

  1. Hi Miss Laidlaw and everyone in Room 4
    I have been doing the maths tasks from the blog and reading a book about interesting buildings. I have been going on walks and have been cycling with mum, dad and Quinn.
    I hope everyone is OK.
    Love from

  2. Hi Miss Laidlaw, this week I saw my granny and grandpa and I’ve also tried my connectives. I have also been practising my 5 and 10 times tables. I went for a walk on Fernbrae Meadows with my mum and dad, it was fun because I played hide and seek and my dad couldn’t find me because I was camouflaged in green 🙂

    Have a good weekend.

    Love Callum xx

    ps I hope everyone is doing ok xxxxxx

  3. Hi Miss Laidlaw this week I have seen some friends in the back garden. I did study ladder. I did sentences and practised my magic e words. From Aila

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