Wednesday Challenge

Good Morning boys and girls 🙂

I don’t know about you all but since we have been staying at home a lot more, I have been playing a lot of different board games that I don’t usually play. My favourite has been quiz board games or monopoly.  It’s a fun way to spend time with family! For today’s challenge,  I am looking for you to make your own inventive and creative board games.

You can make it a learning game like a maths or spelling one or you can make a board game just for fun. It could involve fun characters like Cluedo or it could just have a funky game board.

Another thing I have been doing to keep busy is jigsaw puzzles. You could draw your own picture and turn it into a jigsaw. When the picture is finished you can cut it all up and either you or a family member could try to join it all back together again.

Below are some ideas I found online to give you some inspiration🙂

Have fun and I can’t wait to see them!

Miss Laidlaw🌈



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