Fantastic Fridays

Good Morning boys and girls (and grown ups) 🙂

I hope you have all had a lovely week. It has been nice to finally see some friends and family outdoors hasn’t it? A little change but I’m sure it has helped to cheer us all up. You have all been busy bees from the looks of our check in station and the photographs I’ve been sent. Well done⭐️

Below are some of this week’s pictures.

OM has been working hard over the last few weeks making planters to deliver to his family. Don’t they look great? And what a kind thing to do! I’ve told him he’ll need to teach me a thing or two about gardening now 🙂

LM wrote a wonderful Superhero comic strip this week! It’s very creative and I really love all of the detail in her speech bubbles. Well done L⭐️

AMc had fun trying one of our Wednesday challenges. She built her own den with her little brother! They both had great fun and loved playing in it afterwords. Fantastic job A👌🏻

CT (now 7!) had a great birthday week. He lucked out with the weather and fun in his paddling pool 🙂 He has also been busy doing some of the superhero tasks and workouts. Well done C!



I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Make sure to leave a birthday message for our special birthday girl this week🥳

Miss Laidlaw🌈





2 thoughts on “Fantastic Fridays

  1. Hi Miss Laidlaw, this week I have been doing some more time activities and my nouns and adjectives. I enjoy reading my books and picking them out. I have got to see some of my friends and family in the garden for a visit and also my cousins new puppy. It was great. Missing you all love Ava xx

  2. Hi Miss Laidlaw, hope you are ok? I’ve been busy this week doing my school work and enjoyed the summer project. Happy birthday Amy love Lucy

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