Virtual School Trip – Superhero Academy

Scroll down for this week’s main home learning post 🙂


Image Result For Super Second Grade Clipart - Welcome Superheroes ...

Thanks to Miss Ferry, this week we have all earned a place at Superhero Academy 🙂

You have all acted like superheroes recently and definitely earned a spot at Superhero Academy! The world could do with a few more real life superheroes right now so let’s get started!

University of Derby on Twitter: "Our Superhero Academy will be ...

Welcome to Superhero Academy! You have a series of missions to complete to become a real life superhero. Good luck!


Mission One


First things first, you’ll need to create a superhero identity. Come up with a superhero name of your own or use the Superhero Alphabet below to work yours out.

Now that you have your superhero name you’ll need a costume. You can use this Superhero Costume sheet to design your own superhero costume. If your grown-ups say it’s ok you could find bits and pieces around the house to make a real life version of your creation. There are links below if you would like to create your own superhero mask or shield.

Superhero Mask

Superhero Shield

I would love to see pictures of your costumes!

If you want to create a costume similar to one of your favourite superheroes you could use the links below.

Create Your Own Iron Suit

Create Your Own Spiderman Suit

Create Your Own Guardian of the Galaxy Costume


Mission Two


Superheroes have to be very fit and healthy. To get you in superhero shape, Iron man is sharing the Avengers TOP SECRET workout with you.

If you enjoyed that workout or fancy something different you can try some more superhero workouts below.

Avenger’s Tabata Workout

Supergirl Workout

Black Panther Workout

Spider-man Workout

The Batman Workout

Tony Stark Workout

Captain America Workout

Thor Workout

Guardians of the Galaxy Workout


Now that your superhero fit its time to put your training into action. Set up your own superhero obstacle course to show off your skills. Your obstacle course should allow you to practice the skills listed below but it is up to you how you do it! I would LOVE to see photos of your obstacle course. You can email them to me at the usual address 🙂

  • jumping
  • climbing
  • crawling
  • running at super speed
  • balancing
  • super strength
  • throwing with super duper aim


Mission Three

You can’t be a superhero without some superpowers. Have a think about what superpowers you would like to have and use the Superpowers sheet to write them down.


My son... Sidewalk chalk superhero invitation pic (With images ... Picture Perfect Photo Props for Babies, Toddlers and Families ...

Create a skyline picture on the ground using chalk and then lie above it. Have a grown-up stand somewhere high and take a picture. It will look like you’re flying through the air 🙂


Super Strength

Can you show off your super strength by breaking through a ‘brick’ wall made from cardboard boxes or shoe boxes.

Laser Vision

The bad guys have trapped one of your favourite toys in ice. Can you figure out a way to melt the ice and free your toy?

Laser Vision Activity



Kindness is the best superpower! Here are some acts of kindness you could do.

Be a Super You Acts of Kindness


Superpower Science

Older children might enjoy finding out the science of superpowers. TED Ed have a series of videos on YouTube explaining the science behind superpowers and how scientifically realistic they are. It’s aimed at older children so grown-ups might want to check out the videos beforehand.

Superhero Science


Mission Four


All superheroes have their own comics. You can choose whether you would like to create yours online or create a paper version.

Online Link – Make Your Own Comic (click on getting started for instructions)

Paper version – Superhero Comic Template


Mission Five

Saddleback Church: MAP: The Paradox of Being a Hero

No superhero would be complete without a sidekick to look out for them. I’m sure there are lots of everyday heroes in your life that have made you the brilliant wee superhero you are! What better way to say thank you than to use your coding skills to turn them into a superhero too.

Create Your Own Everyday Hero


Mission Six

Now that you’re a real life superhero, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re asked to be in a Lego movie. You can make you’re own Lego Superhero here so that you’re prepared for any offers.

Mission Seven

Superheroes have to be good at helping others and being kind. Your final superhero mission is to be a ‘Hero Helper’.

  1. You’ll need three Hero Helper Tokens, you can print and cut these out or make your own.
  2. Give the tokens to people in your family.
  3. When someone in your family needs a little help they give you the token back and you help them in return. This could be something as simple as setting the table or helping tidy up.
  4. When you have all three tokens back you have completed this mission.

Mission Completed

Well done you have completed Superhero Academy!


Superhero Home Learning


Superhero Writing Prompts

Superhero Pencil Control

Superhero Sentence Writing

Superhero Alphabet Maze



Superhero Addition Within 10

Superhero Addition and Subtraction within 10 Colour by Number

Superhero Counting

Superhero Missing Number



Superhero Cone Characters

Flying Superhero Science Experiment

Superhero Playdough Recipe

Superhero Playdough Challenges

Superhero Lego Challenges

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