Hi everybody, I hope you are having a lovely week and making the most of this fantastic weather 🙂 Aren’t we lucky? Leave a message below to say hello to your me, your friends and Mrs McGarvey and let us know how you are this week.
This week I have been doing  my school work in the garden, trying to be fit and healthy and do lots of running, painting the garden fence and trying to complete a huge jigsaw!  What have you been doing?
Miss Laidlaw
Hi miss laidlaw today I have visited my nana and papa in their back garden. It was great.Then i went a walk to see some fairy houses in the park. Yesterday after dinner my daddy sprayed me with the hose to cool me down. From Aila
Hi Miss Laidlaw,
this week I did my punctuation, spelling and reading jobs from your blog. I also did maths work with dad involving dividing by 4. I have been playing outdoors a lot with my family and we made keep videos for dad’s school children. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Love Lois x
Hi Miss Laidlaw,
This week I’ve been doing the multiplication and punctuation jobs. I’ve also made a sundial, made a birthday card for my Nana, been reading The Sheep-pig, and have been out in the garden lots in the lovely weather.
Hi Miss Laidlaw and everyone in Room 4
I have been doing the multiplication tasks from the blog, practising my new sound and reading a non-fiction book about dinosaurs. I helped my dad to plant some flowers in the front garden this morning and mum and I baked a Victoria sponge cake this afternoon. I went on a huge walk around Castlemilk Woods on Sunday with my mum, dad and little brother. I wrote a letter to my gran and grandad in Ireland.
I hope everyone is well. I miss you all very much.
Love from
Hi Miss Laidlaw. Callum has been finding out lots of interesting things about Titanic and Britannic as he’s really interested in the stories about them. He’s also looking forward to his birthday although it will be slightly different this year. Callum misses everybody and hopes you are all ok xx