Home Learning 26.05.20

Good morning everyone 🌞
I hope you all had a great long weekend with your families and I would love to hear what you all got up to.

This week, there won’t be a new Wednesday Challenge as I am going to repost the last one. There wasn’t a lot of time for this last week so hopefully that gives you some more time to have a go.

Below is this weeks suggested learning tasks. Remember just to do whatever suits your household best. On that note, well done grown ups! I know how busy you all are at home and how difficult these times can be. I just wanted to say thank you for finding the time to send in lovely messages and photographs of the tasks your children are doing at home. I love seeing them all!

(Remember to put Room 4 Miss Laidlaw in 
the subject box)

Usually around this time, we start to prepare our auditions for the event of the year 🙂 As we obviously will not get to share our talents on stage this year, we thought we would bring the stage to you! This is just a message to get you thinking – do you have a talent you would like to share? We are going to ask for video clips (20 Seconds) to collate and put together nearer the end of the term. The video will be shared on the Burnside Primary Twitter (as it is private) and will have a song playing over them. Try to pick some unique talents (audio won’t work for singing/jokes etc)

If you want to take part, you do not have to send in any video clips in just yet – I’ll let you know when 🙂 But get thinking!


Click the spelling tab at the top to find activities you can do to learn  your words.


Punctuation – Click the link below to find different flashcards with incorrect sentences on them. Your job is to write out the sentence correctly, fixing the capital letters and full stop errors.
Correct the Capital Letters and Full Stops

Reading and Writing
Personal Reading (20 mins each day) Remember you can access lots of online stories by clicking the reading tab at the top of the page.

Click the link below to find your group’s story with follow up reading and writing activities to pick  from.

(You don’t have to do all of this, it’s a lot. Please pick and choose the activities you would like to do)

Wombats Reading and Writing Activities
Diary of a Wombat

Pineapples and Grapes 
Superheros All Sorts Story
Reading and Writing Activities

Teddys Lists Story
Teddies List Reading Activities
Teddys Lists Writing Activities



Activity 1 – Calculation
All groups – Revise Addition. (Using addition facts you already know to help add bigger numbers)
Circles – Stick to numbers below 30 unless you are feeling really confident.

Squares and Triangles – Multiplication (I suggest having a go at the Addition first:) )

(Although I know some of our boys and girls are already learning their times tables and enjoy doing this. This is not required at their stage so please don’t worry. In P2, the children are just learning about the concept of multiplication and the idea that it is an easier way to do repeated addition. If they do really want to practise times tables –  I would stick to 2, 5 and 10)

Activity 2 – Calendar
All Groups
Months of The Year
Days of The Week

Extra challenge for squares (or anyone who feels very confident/secure in the above tasks)
Using a Calendar Game

Activity 3 – Money

Toy Shop Money
Squares  and Triangles – Try clicking ‘Mixed Coins’ and then exact money ‘up to 20p or up to £1 for challenge’.  You can also try giving change up to 20p.

Circles – Try clicking ‘Mixed Coins’ and then Exact Money ‘Up to 20p’.

If the above game is a bit tricky, try this game below for a reminder about what the coins look like and  how to sort them. We should know all coins to £1.

Coins Game

P.E and Movement Activities


This will be our mini topic focus for May (This is the last week). Click the link below to find activity ideas. For some of these activities there are activity sheets to match – I’ll put them in the tab at the top of the page – or you can make your own.

Dinosaurs mini topic


(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Below are some fun STEM activities to do at home. There’s quite a lot so I have put a few below and the rest on the science tab at the top. You could pick one or two and come back to the others later.

Ice Escape
Ice Escape Investigation Activity
Ice Escape Investigation Prompt Card

Paper Towel Rainbow
Paper Towel Colour Mixing Activity

Growing Plants
Plants From Your Kitchen

STEM Challenges
STEM Challenege 

Extra Activities
  • Take part in our virtual school trip
  • Browse previous tasks/activities you may have missed
  • Participate in our Wednesday Challenge (or any previous weekly challenges)
  • Browse curriculum pages at top of blog to find an array of different activities added to regularly.


Have a wonderful week everyone 🙂 I miss you all lots, every day!

Miss Laidlaw




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