Fantastic Work Fridays⭐️

Good Morning everyone🌞

Happy Friday! Thank you for all your check ins and your photographs. I can see you have all been super busy over the past 2 weeks. Well done everybody! If you haven’t checked in yet, please remember to pop by the check in station and say hello.

Seargent. JS has been loving learning about WW1. Him and his sister have been making battlefields and trenches in the garden and look at that wonderful tank! Well done J⭐️

You’ve been working hard OD. A fantastic Spider-Man art activity – I love it! –  and a good idea for your friends too. A lovely letter for your granny and grandad too. Great work⭐️


I love your amazing flower drawing CP! Wow⭐️ She has also been hard at work learning all about space and creating what looks like a very interesting poster!

FH has been super busy learning about measure and writing a lovely letter to his gran. Well done F⭐️

LM and LRA  both drew wonderful pictures. A lovely Happy Birthday message for Mrs A by LM and an amazing drawing of Freddy from Mega Robot Bros  and Lushkin the cat by LRA. He loves when his favourite comic arrives!

Wednesday Challenge pictures have been uploaded to the weekly challenge page.

As you can see from our pictures and our weekly check in there have been lots of busy bees in our class. Well done boys and girls, I am so proud of everything you are doing.

Have a fantastic weekend🎉

Miss Laidlaw💕

One thought on “Fantastic Work Fridays⭐️

  1. Louise has been busy making bread and fairy cakes this week. She’s enjoyed learning about the planets and going out on her bike

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