Virtual School Trip – We’re off to Space!

Scroll down for this weeks main home learning post 🙂

To Infinity and Beyond!

Thanks again to Miss Ferry for this weeks virtual school trip. Primary two, this week you are astronauts and off to explore space! You’ll need to complete different missions along the way. Good luck!

**Some of the games require flash and may not work on a mobile or tablet.**

Mission One

Your first mission to build a rocket to travel to space. Build a rocket online by clicking on the link below or follow the video instructions to make your own straw rocket.

Rocket Builder


Mission Two

A trip to space is different from a normal trip. Complete the astronaut training below before you head off.

MissionX Training

What to Pack

Mission Three

You’ve arrived at the International Space Station. Click on this link to find out all about the International Space Station and take a tour below.


Mission Four

Time to explore the Solar System. Click on the links below to tour the Solar System and find out what your age and weight would be on each of the planets.

Solar System Tour 

Solar System Age and Weight


Mission Five

The first planet on your tour of the Solar System is Mercury. Click here to find out all about Mercury . Your mission is to Complete the Pattern.


Mission Six

Next stop on our tour of the Solar System is Venus. Click here to find out all about Venus. Your mission is to see if you can spot the difference between these two pictures. Click on the second picture to mark the differences. Spot the Difference

Mission Seven

The next planet on our space exploration is Earth. Click here to find out some facts you perhaps didn’t know about Earth . Your mission is to use your addition skills to reach the target number in the moon and make the rocket blast off to the next planet. Click on any two numbers on the grid that add to the target number. Addition Blast Off


Mission Eight

Click here to find out all about Mars.  Your mission is to help NASA’s Curiosity Rover explore the surface of Mars. Click here to Explore Mars  (to start the game drag and drop the start button then press go – it took me a while to figure this out!)

Well done on completing your Mars mission! Before you head off, hop onboard NASA’s Curiosity rover and explore the surface of Mars in a 360-degree view while learning about space exploration 360 Mars Rover Tour .


Mission Nine

On the way to your next planet your mission is to help Paxi clean up space by collecting debris and repairing satellites Space Clean Up  .

Well done on completing your mission you’ve arrived on your next planet. Click here to find out all about Jupiter.


Mission Ten

On your way to Saturn your mission is to learn about galaxies by playing Galactic Explorer . Scroll to the bottom to read about different types of galaxies before you play.

Well done on completing another mission! Click here to find out all about Saturn.

Mission Eleven


Click here to find out all about Uranus. Before you leave your mission is to complete these Space Repairs

Mission Twelve

You’ve arrived at the last planet on your tour of the Solar System. Click here to find out all about Neptune. Your mission now is to complete this Solar System Quiz and test your knowledge!


Mission Thirteen

Your final mission before you return to earth is to build your very own space mission!

Build Your Space Mission


Bedtime Story

Well after that exciting day exploring space I’m sure you’re all ready for a good night’s sleep! Choose a bedtime story below read all the way from space. Each story is read by an astronaut onboard the International Space Station.

The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home

If I were an Astronaut

A Moon of My Own

Astronaut Annie


Moustronaut Goes to Mars

Rosie Revere, Engineer

Endeavour’s Long Journey

The Wizard Who Saved The World

Max Goes to Jupiter

Max Goes to Mars

Max Goes to the Moon

Max Goes to the International Space Station

Hey Ho to Mars We’ll Go

Extra Missions – Should You Choose to Accept Them

Planet Switch-a-roo

Space Volcanoes

Space and Back Activty Booklet

TESSie Activity Booklet

Space Launch System Activity Booklet

Space Explorers Activity Booklet

Moon Activity Booklet

The Astro-Not-Yets Explore Sound Storybook

International Space Station Activity Booklet

Space Videos


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