Wednesday Challenge!

Good Morning boys and girls 🙂

I hope you’ve all got your hard hats and high visibility vests at the ready because this week I am looking for some very creative construction workers.

For our Wednesday challenge this week, you have a choice.  Depending on what you resources you have lying around at home you can choose which activity suits you best. Both challenges are all about problem solving, creativity and building something strong!


The Spaghetti Tower

You will need: dried spaghetti and marshmallows (If you don’t have marshmallows I think blue tac or play doh would also work in the same way but I haven’t ever tested this)

Using only those two things, I’m looking for the TALLEST free-standing tower that you can build. There are some pictures below to give you some ideas 🙂 Remember it needs to be strong enough to stand on it’s own, without falling over as well as being as tall as you can make it.


Float your Boat

I know that spaghetti and marshmallows might not be lying around your house (or you just really want to hold on to the spaghetti as it’s a luxury at the moment!) so this next challenge might be a better option for you.

You can use anything you can find around your house. Some suggestions might be: tin foil, paper, straws, lolly pop sticks, toilet roll tubes, plastic cups, lego, play doh.

Using whatever resources you choose, I’m looking for you to build a boat that can actually float on water but it must also be strong enough to hold 3 coins (any coins will do). So you will really have to think about what you make your boat out of and how big it is going to be.


If you want to take part in this weeks challenge, I would love to see what you come up with! You are a very creative bunch so I know I will be impressed 🙂 Please send your photos to Remember this is a public blog so I won’t be able to post photos with faces (I’ll have to cover them up) and I won’t match names to faces either. On Friday I will post our challenge pictures into the ‘Weekly Challenge’ tab at the top.

Enjoy building!

Miss Laidlaw

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