Home Learning w/b 27.4.20

Good morning boys and girls (and grown ups) Happy Monday!

Remember, only to do whatever you can. Some days, that might be nothing and that is absolutely fine 🙂


This week we are going to keep working on joining up our letters. Remember you should be trying not to lift your pencil off of the paper when you are joining the letters. Some letters don’t join which means there are some words where you might have to lift your pencil – like after the letter ‘b’ in ‘b i g’.

Focus on Comp

Read through the text and answer the questions. Remember to practise writing in full sentences.

Strawberries, Grapes and Pineapples





















Personal Reading – 15 mins each day
You can chose your own reading books or use the free books website I posted last week to find a book to read.

Although I am providing a couple of options for reading this week. Just pick and choose which suits best.

Similar to last week, click on the link and follow the activities provided.

Strawberries, Grapes and Pineapples
Week 4 The house that Dad Built


Alternatively, using your own personal reading book. You can choose one or two of these activities:

  • Summarise the book you have chosen. We’ve done this loads. Remember just the important parts! and don’t forget capital letters and full stops.
  • Create a new front cover for the book you have chosen. Don’t forget the title, author and illustrator.
  • Be a text detective. See if you can spot any of this weeks spelling words in the book.

From this week, I’m going provide new spelling phonemes/common words. You can click on the ‘Spelling’ tab at the top of the page to see a variety of spelling activities you can carry out to practise your words. At the end of week I would suggest trying to complete a spelling test with your grown ups to see how much you have learned. This will probably be the only ‘new’ learning  as such every week.

REMEMBER – Show your grown ups how to ‘say, make/break, blend, read, write’ these words. We are experts at this! If you have a whiteboard and magnetic letters at home you could use those to make your own spelling board. If not, you could try writing each phoneme on a small piece paper and on a flat surface still using your 5 finger approach.

Red Team
‘ow’ – owl, brown, growl, now, crown, allow
common words – how, where, now, too

Purple Team
‘oi’ – boil, spoil, coin, most, toilet, join
common words – their, some, then, last

Yellow Team
th – thin, with, cloth, thick, thorn, thud, moth
common words – this, then, that

(th is tricky – there’s a video below to help you)



Learns Its
Below are the ‘Learn its’ for this term (for all groups). These can be practised a little bit each week to ensure speedy recall.

Activity 1
Use the login card from the home learning pack to login to study ladder. I have set up a pod for each maths group. There are a couple of things to do so have a play about with it since it’s the first time we’ve had a go.

Activity 2
Click on the link below to practise rounding to the nearest 10. Squares – challenge yourself by rounding 3d numbers to the nearest 10. Triangles and circles – Keep working on 2d.

Week 4 Rounding

Activity 3
Click on the links below to practise adding and subtracting 10. Squares – You could try using numbers above 100…

Adding 10

Subtracting 10

Activity 4
Use doorway online to practise o’clock and half past times. We have learned all about this already so impress your grown ups with how much you remember.

Remember there are lots of other maths games you can use to keep practising all the things learned so far on Top Marks. The ‘numeracy’ tab at the top lists things we have learned so far 🙂

If you are looking for something different – The Jump Start Jonny videos are great fun to get us moving and dancing to some music. He has a YouTube channel where he’ll be posting something new every Monday! And he has a website with lots of free activities too.



I know that home learning can be tricky and we might be spending lots more time looking at our screens – I know I am! Here are some screen-free ideas you could try to help clear those busy minds and relax a bit.

Screen Free Activities

The link below has some wonderful colouring activities that you could display on your window.

Key worker colouring



Have a go at some of the French colours games. You might want to try the lessons first to remind yourself.

With your grown up, have a go at some research this week. Try to find out what the children did during the war. Did they stay at school? Would they have been able to do home learning like us? What toys did they play with?
You could even make a poster to show what you have learned 🙂

Again, there are loads of links. Please let me know via the comment if there are any issues. I will be helping the boys and girls in the Calderwood hub this week so at times I may be a bit slower to reply than usual. Have a great week everybody!

Miss Laidlaw


One thought on “Home Learning w/b 27.4.20

  1. Hi Ms Laidlaw. I have lost Jacob’s login details for study ladder. Can you send them to me?

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