Check in!

Good Afternoon🌞

Following on from Mrs McGarvey’s message on the app, we would love to know how all of the boys and girls are doing.  Leave a comment on this post to ‘check-in’ and you can help the children to tell us how they are and anything nice they have been doing.

Boys and girls, see if you can spot your friends comments and what they have been doing!

After a busy morning on my laptop, I’m now spending some time resting in the garden with a cup of tea and enjoying this glorious weather!

Miss Laidlaw🙂


15 thoughts on “Check in!

  1. Hi Miss Laidlaw, Harris here! 😃 I’ve been keeping busy while not at school. In the morning, I have been doing PE with Joe Wicks and even got to dress up as Super Mario last week which was fun. I have been using my dart board for maths games to make it more exciting and have read lots of Captain Underpants and Dog Man books which are my favourites. I have been doing lots of drawing and colouring in and made an Easter bonnet. One of my front teeth fell out and the tooth fairy left me money under my pillow and my other front tooth is wobbly! I’ve been going on nice walks with my mum and dad to the park and have been playing football and basketball with them in the garden. I have been growing my own vegetables in the garden and can’t wait to try my yummy red peppers 😋 I have also been playing lots of Super Mario on my Switch and I’m getting really good at defeating Bowser! I am missing all my school friends very much and can’t wait to see them again! X

  2. Hi Miss Laidlaw Callum T here. I’ve been doing some jobs. I did the Wednesday challenge and it was good fun. I’ve been out playing in the garden and playing Roblox games on the laptop. I’ve been out on my bike and scooter too. I miss everyone and look forward to seeing you all soon 👍

  3. Hi Miss Laidlaw, Ava is missing you and all of her school friends. So I have to tell you that her two top teeth fell out so you won’t probably recognise her. Every morning she is doing her exercises with Joe Wicks. She has been reading her way through the 15 Roald Dahl books, currently on BFG and her favourite word is whizzpoppers which means pimps!. She has been going on big long walks and every Saturday evening she does a family quiz online to see all of her cousins and family. She hopes to see you soon.

  4. Hi Miss Laidlaw, Anna-Rose has been busy doing schoolwork and also lots of playing outside. She has been really enjoying bike rides and has been helping with some gardening. Lots of time has been spent cooking and baking too. Anna-Rose is super excited that her birthday is in two days – she can’t wait!! 🥳 She misses all of her friends, and you too. Hope everyone is safe and well. Take care 😁

  5. Hello Miss Laidlaw, Fraser Hay here. Hope everyone is well and keeping safe. I have been enjoying going on long walks with my family, I have seen frog spawn turning into tadpoles at the park which is exciting. I see how much hey have changed every day. I have planted peas and carrots in my garden and I am waiting for then to grow. I made a volcano from paper mache and did the eruption with fizzy juice and mentos which was exciting. I have been out cycling on my bike and playing football in the garden with my brother. I did a maths treasure hunt and found a chocolate egg at he end of it. My tooth fell out and I got some money from the tooth fairy, I have also got another wobbly one. I miss all my friends and can’t wait to see you all again. Fraser : )

  6. Hi Miss Laidlaw,
    Oisín has been having lots of fun in the sun playing football and cricket with the family. Today we have put the pool up in the garden and he plans to shoot down the slide into it. He has been helping mum to make pancakes every morning for breakfast. We have also been doing a lot of crafts, making a caterpillar out of egg boxes and cars out of toilet roll holders. He is also reading the 13 story tree house and doing looks of maths jobs. He misses his friends very much and can’t wait to see them soon.
    Take care
    Olivia, Oisín and family xxx

  7. Hi Miss Laidlaw,
    Lennox has been keeping busy. He’s been out in the garden a lot with the sunny weather, climbing the tree, drawing chalk pictures and watching for birds on the bird feeder. He’s also been reading a new book, The 13-Story Treehouse, drawing comics and getting on with some maths jobs. Lennox has also been enjoying riding his bike. He’s missing his friends though but has been speaking to them on video calls.
    Take care everyone!

  8. Hi miss laidlaw my mum has been teaching me every day I also got a new bike with no stableisers which I have been riding. Me and my big brother have also been doing the gardening and Joe wicks workout as well. My mum helped me with spelling the big words checking in 😀 I miss all my friends

  9. Hi Miss Laidlaw
    Zak has been enjoying LOTS of football with his big brothers and sister. He has been practicing his reading really hard and is enjoying The Diary of a Wimpy Kid just now.
    Zak’s tooth fell out over Easter and he got £2 from the tooth fairy 🙂
    He’s missing all of his friends and says ‘hello everybody!’
    Take care, Zak and family xx

  10. Hi Miss Laidlaw
    Caoimhe has been busy with school work. She has been playing in the garden with her little brother and making bird feeders. We are doing a project on the solar system and making a big poster. Caoimhe also made a volcano during the holidays and we made it erupt!
    We hope you are well. Caoimhe really misses school and all her friends. Take care.

  11. Hi Miss Laidlaw, Aila is missing all her friends at school and you too. She has been doing some school work, lots of walking and playing out in the garden. She had her birthday during the holidays so she got a new trampoline which is getting a lot of use too! Xx

  12. Hi Kirsty, I checked with Mrs McGarvey about posting your zoom meeting link and this would be fine. However, just to keep in mind that this a public blog (On social media I have seen some of these meetings being hacked when the password is readily available). Perhaps if any parents were happy to comment their email address here you could email the link/password to the zoom meeting for extra security 🙂

  13. Hi Miss Laidlaw, Lois has been very busy out riding her bike with Ruby, her dad and me too! She has been making Rocky Road, Red Velvet Cake and Unicorn gingerbread. She has been working hard with school work too and writing a weekly summary diary about what she has been up to. Take care.

  14. Louise loved today’s challenge, fab idea
    She’s looking forward to the virtual school trip tomorrow, something a bit different

  15. Hello, so we have been well and having fun, however we have also been missing family and friends, Olly has been camping with his brother Jamie every Friday night and has been playing lots of football. Olly says he has been a bit bored during lockdown and he would love to hear some of what his friends have been doing! Would anyone like to get the kids on a zoom chat, I dont mind scheduling and could post the link here if thats allowed? Maybe tomorrow or Friday at some point? Thanks and speak soon Olly and Kirsty

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