w/b 30.3.20

Good Morning Room 4 and grown ups ๐Ÿ™‚

Welcome to week 2 of home learning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to get out and enjoy the little bit of sunshine that we had. Monday mornings are not the same without seeing all of your happy faces.

I’d love to know what you have all been up to over the weekend. This jigsaw has been keeping Miss Laidlaw very busy – 9 hours so far!

See if you can spot anything you recognise so far…there is definitely some landmarks from our Where is Joe book!

Week 2 will be very similar to week 1 as we should still have plenty in our home learning pack to keep us going. Suggested plan:

*2 literacy tasks
-one reading or one writing activity from home learning folder.
-one spelling activity (see tabs at top of this page for common words and phonemes)
*15 minutes personal reading
*1 numeracy task
-numeracy activity from home learning folder
-top marks game
* 1 other additional activity (you could be working on your WW1 tank)

Has anybody had a go at Joe Wicks PE lesson? I tried it last week and had to have a big lie down afterwards! I am going try and have a go 3 times this week – wish me luck.

Active Schools South Lanarkshire are uploading a PE challenge every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to twitter. Friday’s challenge was a basketball one; get a basket or a box and 10 pairs of socks. Take 10 steps back and see how many you can score. Your grown up could even upload it to share your scores with everyone!

As always, everything posted is just a suggestion and you can work on anything at your own pace ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m looking forward to seeing all of your amazing learning this week, whatever you get up to. Use the hashtag Burnsidehomelearning on twitter or use the email address gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk to share.

Stay safe and have fun!
Miss Laidlaw ๐Ÿ™‚



2 thoughts on “w/b 30.3.20

  1. Good Morning:) The learning games are categorised into ages 5-7 and 7-9. Generally the games that we should access are in the 5-7 category. However there are certainly some fluidity between them. For an idea of relevant games for us, if you click on the Numeracy tab at the top of the blog it should give you an idea of the numeracy and maths learning we have covered so far. Have a good day!

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