Homework W/B 4th November 2019

 Listed below is the reading, spelling and maths focus for each group.


Strawberries – Animal Feet(Mon) How to Make a Bird Feeder (Wed)
Lemons – This is Me
Pineapples – Vroom!
Grapes – Rush Hour

Read over the text to develop confidence and fluency with decoding and tracking words.


Red Team
‘oy’ Phoneme – boy, toy, soy, coy, oyster
Common Words – our, down, off

Purple Team
‘oo’ Phoneme – cool, pool, stool, snooker, boots, foolish
Common Words – play, no, look

Yellow Team
f’ and ‘o’ – fin, elf, lift, film, fact, top, cost, rock, spot, drop
Common Words – if, for, on

Your child has been provided with a spelling activities sheet. Each night, they should complete a spelling activity. This can be a combination of written and active tasks throughout the week, to ensure your child has a firm grasp of the weekly phoneme words and common words.

A spelling test and dictation will be done at the end of the week in class to ensure the children are secure before they progress


This week the children have been given a place value/partitioning worksheet to complete at home and hand in on Friday.

Additionally, we have been revising jigsaw numbers within 10 in class. You could go over this with your child at home. We are also working on reading and writing numbers 0-100, as well as comparing and ordering these numbers.