Tag Archives: Covid 19

COVID 19 – Update 6

We have been asked to gather information regarding our emergency opening on Monday 23rd and/or Tuesday 24th March.

If you require emergency childcare on Monday and/or Tuesday as you are a Category 1 worker or work within our emergency services and have NO other childcare options, please complete the form by following the link below

Thank you for your continued support.

COVID 19 Update 5

Dear Parents,

Following from South Lanarkshire Council’s to extend their contingency planning for Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th March 2020 to include all CATEGORY 1 key workers to include the children of all emergency service workers, ie NHS staff, police, fire and rescue, ambulance and the prison service.
We are aware that you may have received notification from your employer identifying you as a key worker however, following South Lanarkshire and Scottish Government guidance, we are only accepting children who are well and healthy and whose parents/carers are both due to work on Monday & Tuesday and are listed as Category 1 or are emergency service workers (ie NHS staff, police, fire and rescue, ambulance and the prison service) and who cannot secure personal, alternative childcare arrangements.
As Monday isn’t a normal school day please, speak to a member of staff when you arrive to sign children in and confirm arrangements for 3pm.

  • This is a 9am to 3pm service, children will enter and exit from the main entrance and we ask parents to be mindful of social distancing and remain at least 3 metres from the front door.
  • Children are not required to wear their school uniform.
  • Children should ensure they bring their home learning pack.
  • As this is not a normal school day pupils may be in different groups with different members of staff, not necessarily their class teacher.
  • Pupils coming to school for their school lunch, should arrive at the school office at 12.15pm (please note there will be no early entry) and be signed in.  Pupils and a parents will be able to eat their lunch in the school hall.  When finished pupils and their parent will sign out and leave by the front door, pupils will not be able to access other areas of the school including the playground.

We are now in a period of National emergency which is evolving daily and we would appreciate your support with social distancing at all times, please discuss this with your children.

Further updates will be posted on the App, Twitter and Website.

Everyone at Kirkton would like to thank you for your support and wish you all good health.  Please follow social distancing and self isolation rules and we look forward to opening our school to everyone very soon.

Best wishes,

Kirkton Primary School

COVID 19 Update 4

South Lanarkshire Council have extended provision at our schools on Monday and Tuesday (9am – 3pm) to the children of all emergency service workers, ie NHS staff, police, fire and rescue, ambulance and the prison service.

As previously stated this is only open to those families whose children are well and healthy and who cannot secure personal, alternative childcare arrangements. As planning develops, after Tuesday the council will look at provision for some other key workers that are delivering essential services.

Any other updates will be communicated to you as soon as we get them.

COVID-19 Update 2


OFFICIAL SLC UPDATE – is intended that all SLC schools and nurseries will open normal hours (9.00am-3.00pm) for children of Category 1 key workers (see list below).

Children of Category 1 key workers should go to their usual entrance at 9.00am.

The school will also be open during lunch (12.15-1.00pm) for children eligible for free school meals (this includes all P1-3 pupils).

Category 1 key workers (as defined by Scottish Government)

Health and Care workers supporting COVID and associated staff;

Health and Care workers supporting life threatening emergency work

Critical primary and community care provision

Energy suppliers

Staff providing childcare for other category staff.

SLC Clarification if there is a parent within the household who is NOT a Category 1 worker then children should remain home with them and not attend school. Category 1 does NOT include all NHS Staff.


We thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding and ask that you only contact the school or come into the building if absolutely necessary.

With thanks

Kirkton Primary School