So many of our nursery children have been making the most if their time at home. Playing and learning new things. Well done!
Jagoda and her mum have been practising sewing skills, she has made a full meal- fantastic! She has been doing some baking and practising her numbers. Excellent!
Zac has been so busy. Naming all of the body parts and he made sole cakes with his sister. He then relaxed in his paddling pool after his busy day. Well earned Zac!
Leonardo has been having lots of fun with his family. He had been exploring using lots of sensory play, playingbwith sand and playdough and he has been enjoying stories with mum. Fantastic Leonardo, great learning!
Jagoda, your sewing skills are amazing! Could you teach me how to be as good as you?
Zac, looks like you are having lots of fun in garden and doing lots of hard work.
Leonardo, I love your sensory play, I hope you are enjoying spending all of this extra time with your family 🙂
Well done Jagoda fantastic sewing skills, you could maybe make Mrs Burns a new scarf.
Zac you look very cool chilling in your paddling pool, wish it was me.
Leonardo I bet your missing the water tray, you look as if your having lots of fun in the sand anyway.
Can’t wait to get back to nursery to see you all.
Oh Miss Revie mum sent more photos later today and she had a wee water tray for him. She knows hows much he loves that water. I’ll post them later and update this x
You all look like you have been so busy when you’ve not been at nursery.
Jagoda your sewing looks good enough to eat, fantastic.
Zac your pool is very cool.
Leonardo lovely to see you playing in the sand. You love this at nursery also.
Take care everyone and have lots of fun I’m missing seeing you all.