We will be rhyming using this weeks story ‘ZOG and the flying doctors’
Use the link below to find out more about today’s task.
Skills- identify words that rhyme, recognition of sounds, development of fine motor skills through mark making
Number hunt around your home. There are numbers everywhere in our homes, they are used to help us everyday. Go on a number hunt around your home and see how many you can find. Once you find them, ask an adult what the numbers tell you? What are the umbers used for that you find?
Skill: recognise numbers, Numbers used in everyday life.
Health and Wellbeing
Join in with ‘PE with Joe’ this morning. It will be fancy dress Friday, so if you want dress up in your favourite outfit and join in.
Once you are finished…can you feel your heartbeat? Can you describe how you feel? Why do you think exercise is important?
Skills; Development of balance and co-ordination, describe how I feel after exercise, understand important of regular exercise as part of a healthy life style.