Today’s tasks have been set by Mrs Hutcheson. She is looking forward to seeing all of your home learning and will be looking out for your photos throughout the day.
Here is a challenge linked to the Gruffalo. The characters in the story all tell us about where they live. The fox in his underground house, the owl in his treetop house and the snake in his log pile house. Use items from around the house to make houses for the characters in the story. You might want to make one for the Gruffalo and the mouse as well.
Mrs Hutcheson accepted her challenge and made some homes for the characters from playdough. Have a go at home and send in photos of your creations.
Today there is a game for you to make and play with someone at home. We hope you have lots of fun! et us know who finds the most pairs.
Skills we are focussing on are number recognition, counting and memory.
Health and Wellbeing
The weather hasn’t been great this week and we might have been spending a bit of time indoors. To get our bodies moving, how about doing Yoga. We love taking part in yoga at nursery so I have included a link below for you to try it at home. This one is linked to our Gruffalo story.
If you enjoyed taking part in the Gruffalo Yoga, here is a little extra link for you to do at home.
Enjoy your Thursday 🙂