Happy Monday Room 13!

Can you believe it? Final week of school… WE MADE IT!  Guys, I cannot express how proud I am of each and every one of you with how well you have done over these very difficult, past few months.  I am not going to ramble on in the post today… believe me I have an email as long as an essay being constructed to you all just now and will send this out on Wednesday.

Primary 7 – please make sure if you haven’t sent me your P1 photos, please can you get these to me TODAY! Ms McGuinness is working very hard to put something special together for you.  I also have something in the works which I will share with you on Wednesday.

Primary 6 – for you the secret is out… I WILL be your teacher for next year! I cannot wait to have another amazing year with you lot in Room 13.  I know those pesky Primary 7’s have been getting a lot of attention over the past few weeks, but keep your eyes peeled for a very special surprise for you, this week too!

Room 13, this week is not about school work.  It is not about revising your spelling or learning a new topic in maths.  This week is about reflecting back on your time in P6/7, looking back on all the good times we have had and celebrating what has been an amazing year (even if it did bring its fair share of challenges too!)  I have listed some very simple activities below, if you wish to do them.  My hope is, over the work listed below, is that you try to speak to as many people in the class before summer!  You have all played such a special role in Room 13, IT NEEDS TO BE CELEBRATED.

Okay, I am rambling.  Please see the suggested activities below:

  1. Memory Mind Map – Create a colourful mind map, filling it with all your favourite memories from this school year.
  2. End of year activity sheet
  3. Picture Collage – pull together any photos you have with your friends and put them together is a big collage to share with each other.
  4. Let’s Dance – Create a music playlist that we could have running during the visits on Wednesday.  Make sure they are songs I can sing to!
  5. Letter to a friend or teacher (blank template)
  6. My Lockdown Experience
  7. Summer Crack The Code Worksheet S
  8. Summer Wordsearch
  9. Lets get cooking – some of your lockdown recipes have looked amazing!  Why not try to bake an end of school SHOW STOPPER! This will need to be spectacular!
  10. Team 13 – You will find everyone’s address in the emails I have sent you over the past few months.  Why not send an email to one of your friends to check in?  I am sure they would love to hear from you!
  11. Stay Active – Just because the summer holidays are about to begin does not mean we have to sit around every day doing nothing (although it can be quite relaxing!) Have a look back through all your weekly work posts and try out some of the PE activities that have been set for you!

Primary 7, I will see you all on Wednesday! Please see the school app for details about times for each group to come in for a visit.  If you have not returned your copy of The Explorer, please bring this with you on Wednesday.  Make sure you keep checking the blog and your emails for updates this week… lots of special things coming your way!

Let’s make this a week of celebrations to round off an amazing year Room 13!

See you all very soon!

Miss M x

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