Friday Check-in ☀️


I hope you have all had a lovely week and have spent most of your time outside enjoying this beautiful weather.  I am definitely a little more red than I was on Monday!

P7s please check your Glow email 🙂

This is your weekly check in station, leave me a comment to let me know what you’ve been up to over the past few days.  Remember you can also check in via email if your prefer. I thought for a change I would show you what I’ve been doing this week!  I had a super long walk over the golf course on Tuesday, with Nyla,  as it was the last day it was open to the public! I also went down to Rouken Glen park to see the gorgeous new baby ducks and swans. Finally we held an online baby shower for one of my best friends who is going to have her baby very soon!!!

Please find below the answers to this weeks work:

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems Answers

Time – Converting between 12 and 24 hour answers

Reflective Shapes Answers

Uplevelling Sentences Answers

Conjunctions Answers

Time to get yourself outside for the whole weekend and soak up every second of this weather!!!

Will speak to you all on Monday,

Miss M x ❤️🌈


11 thoughts on “Friday Check-in ☀️”

  1. Room 13 how is it all going? Are you making the most of the sunshine? As always, I hope you are all safe and well. Remember if you’re out and about, sun screen will be needed today and the rest of the weekend. We don’t normally get such lovely weather.

    Have a great weekend!

    Mr. Campbell

  2. Hi Mr Campbell, Stella here. I am loving the sunshine and we are off exploring today to find some new local places to walk. Missing Burnside loads.

    Have a nice weekend Love Stella x

  3. Hi Miss McKinnon

    Stella checking in. Been busy this week with loads of dancing – i’m even taking part in an online dance competition, so we’ll see how that goes! I’ve been working on my maths and comprehension worksheets this week. Hope you have a nice weekend xx

    1. Hi Stella, lovely to hear from you!
      Dance competition sounds like great fun, you’ll need to let us all know how you get on!
      Great effort this week, time to enjoy your weekend.
      Miss M x

  4. Hi everyone
    I am fine and having been putting on my sunscreen Mr Campbell.
    We are doing a chalk rainbow picture outside my house and all the Burnside kids that pass it are going to add to it so we will take a picture of it when it is finished.

    1. Hi Katie,
      Good to hear you are keeping safe on this lovely weather. The rainbow pictures sounds lovely, will definitely need some photos of that!
      Have a great weekend
      Miss M 😊

  5. Sorry in a bit late checking in but just letting you know that I am doing just fine I’m in the garden enjoying the sunshine today hope everyone is doing great and keeping well and safe
    Miss everyone in burnside primary school so so much

    Take care love from Hollie xx

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