Lockerbie Lockdown: Day 2🌈

Good morning everyone!💫

First of all, I wanted to share a message with you from Mr Campbell (just in case you didn’t see it on the app yesterday).

Primary 7 – It’s Mr. Campbell. I wanted to send you all a personal message to let you know that I am thinking about you all as I am aware we should have travelled to Lockerbie today. I expect some of you will be feeling a bit down in the dumps (myself included). Believe you me, if there was any way possible we could have went, myself, Ms McGuinness and Miss McKinnon would have made it possible! Clearly though we don’t want to be arrested by the Police and therefore we need to follow the rules.

I want you to know that although you won’t be going to Lockerbie, there will be many of other opportunities coming your way in the future that I am sure you will take them in your stride. Ms McGuinness and Miss McKinnon have put up a whole list of activities within the class blogs that they are very keen you try. Please email in as many pictures as you possibly can as I know they’re planning on doing something special with them.

AND to top it all off…look out for a very special something at some point this week. I’m saying nothing more just now but I am more than sure it will put a smile on your face …

Speak with you all soon! Keep smiling!

See the source image

I won’t pretend I wasn’t very sad yesterday, but some of your ‘Leaving for Lockerbie’ photos definitely put a smile on my face! Remember you can complete ANY of the challenges set this week on ANY day… so if you still want to send over your Leaving for Lockerbie photo or some pictures after a wilderness walk, I would love to see some more photos at any point this week!

Now the sun is already shining, let’s have a really positive day and try and complete some more outdoor tasks!

See the source image

Your challenges for today:

CHALLENGE 1: OBSTACLE COURSE WITH A TWIST.  Try to create your own obstacle course outside.  However, you will need help with this one because I would like you to try completing it whilst blind folded.  We would have done a guided obstacle course in Lockerbie, so why not give this one a go at home!

CHALLENGE 2: HAVE A PICNIC! The weather is suppose to be lovely today… grab yourself some food and enjoy the great outdoors whilst also enjoying a bite of lunch!

CHALLENGE 3: EVENING WILDERNESS WALK!  Some of the places you may have walked through might look different and even more pretty in the evening.  Head out on an evening wilderness walk and take some photos to share with the class!

Remember, we want to see everything you get up to this week.  We want to be bombarded with photos so we can feature you all in the big photo and video montage at the end of the week.

I would love some of you to film your attempts at the guided obstacle course!  I’m sure that would put a smile on everyone’s face!!!

I’m off to continue helping Mr Campbell and Ms McGuinness with… well… something special…

Have a great day Room 13!

Miss M x

6 thoughts on “Lockerbie Lockdown: Day 2🌈”

  1. Good morning miss McKinnon I will try my best to try and complete some of these challenges can’t wait to see the special surprise at the end of this week .

    Hope you have a lovely miss McKinnon and tell mr Campbell that I said hope you have a lovely day too and that I miss him , you. Miss mailey and everyone else.

    Lots of hugs Hollie xx ❤️

    1. What a lovely message Hollie! Fantastic to hear your are going to try some of the challenges, I’m currently out on another Wilderness Walk just now.
      I will pass your message on to Miss Mailley and Mr Campbell x
      And yes… keep your eyes peeled for a big surprise this week 😀
      Miss M x

  2. Thank you for passing it on I also might go out on a walk today but if I do I will take my phone with me and take some pictures . Hope you have a nice day

    From Hollie xx

    1. Leah great to hear from you!
      Hope you and the family are all well.
      Great to hear you are going to try some of the challenges, would love to see a photo of you trying one! Miss seeing your sunny smiley face!
      Let me know how you get on… you could even get Eva to try one!
      Miss M 🙂

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