Mid-Week Check In!

Image result for lets have a chat

Good Morning Room 13!

I thought I would check in with everyone as we reach the mid point of our first week away from school.

First of all, can I ask that if you haven’t already, can you please log into Glow and check your emails.  I have sent you steps to set up Microsoft Teams which will make it much easier for you to talk to one another about the work you are doing whilst you are off!  If possible, please try and have this set up by Friday.

I hope you are all keeping yourselves and your families safe and healthy.  It is so important that you are keeping yourself busy and active during this time at home.  So I thought it would be nice for me to share what I have been doing and then you can leave me a comment to let me know what you have done this week so far!

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I have been going out for a ‘Morning mile’ walk with Nyla each morning, to make sure I am still get up nice and early each day!  I completed the Joe Wicks online PE session yesterday which was HARD WORK!  For my Room 13 footballers, I’ve been out in the garden practicing my keep ups and you’ll be very proud that I have reached four in a row now… Yep… more practice definitely needed!

South Lanarkshire schools are uploading a sports challenge every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Twitter, so I will post that on here too.  Give each challenge a shot and let me know how you get on!

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I am starting to put together lists of different websites, games, tasks, challenges for you to work through over the next few weeks.  However if you find any yourself please also share these with me!

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Missing you all lots!

Thank you to those who have kept in touch and emailed me already this week… it’s been lovely to hear from you!

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Miss M x





4 thoughts on “Mid-Week Check In!”

  1. Missing you and all my friends so much, hopefully this sad time is over very soon so we can get back to school to see each other and live a normal life again 😥

    1. It’s a horrible time for everyone… it is far too quiet without you all in class!! Hopefully we will be back sooner than we think!

  2. Blair Drummond are doing a live feed every morning so if they search Blair Drummond on Facebook they will find the link to the feed. Missing everyone keep safe

  3. Hello miss McKinnon if you like Blair Drummond safari park on Facebook they are doing live feeds with a test at the end of the feed. I enjoyed it today.

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