Sharing our learning

Many staff joined our colleagues across St John Ogilvie Learning Community on Monday afternoon to celebrate mass as part of the recognition of the 100 anniversary of state funded education in Scotland. This was followed by an inspirational speech by David Wells.

We welcomed a super number of parents and carer to our school on Tuesday for our annual curriculum afternoon. Pupils proudly showed their families their learning environment and everyone was very impressed with our new facilities.


P1a have continued to work hard learning the sounds l and double ll. In numeracy they have been learning about doubles and learned a wonderful rhyme to help. They have also been learning about time. Focusing on times of the day and days of the week. They have been working hard learning the songs for their nativity.

P1b continue to work very hard in literacy, learning the l and double ll sounds. In numeracy they too have been learning about time focusing on days of the week and months of the year. They have been singing well during the nativity practices.

P2 have completed their recount writing and they have been using verbs and time words to sequence their writing. In numeracy they have been revising their knowledge of reading and writing times. They too have been working hard on the nativity.

P3 enjoyed themselves at the cinema watching Sherlock Gnomes as part of Into Film Festival. They have been developing their use of adjectives to make their writing more interesting.

P3/4 had a great trip to the cinema also. In numeracy they have been learning about 3D objects and identifying them by counting vertices and edges. They too have been practising hard for the Christmas Show.

Primary 4 have started rehearsing for their parts in the Christmas show. In Spanish they have been learning how to ask and say their ages and the vocabulary for the weather. In Science they have been learning about senses and developed our knowledge of Louie Braille.

Primary 5 had an exciting week this week. Firstly they learned that they raised £104 for the Rainforest Foundation UK by selling their rainforest recipe book at the Christmas Fayre. They were also lucky enough to receive a visit from two zoology lecturers from Glasgow University who spoke to them about the dangers of plastics on marine animals.

Primary 6 have been busy creating a movie that demonstrates our school values. They were extremely excited to create their reading dens and invited parents to join them during the curriculum afternoon. They have had lots of anti bullying discussions during this week and developed their own strategies to support.

Primary 7 have continued with long division and applying our skills in problem solving. In Science they have been studying the circulatory system, exploring their heart and discussing ways to prevent heart disease. Mrs Taylor visited for her first transition visit this session.


In the nursery the children were busy making porridge in the cooking room with Mrs Reilly as they had been learning the nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffet. They had great fun going on spider hunts throughout the nursery. The rehearsals for their Christmas Show are well underway.


All pupils in school and nursery will be working hard this week on their various Christmas performances. Nursery parents are reminded to speak with their key worker this week to organise a time to review and set targets for learning. On Tuesday evening all parents, carers and families are invited to attend our Supporting children’s wellbeing input at 7pm in the school hall. The evening will feature a film by Primary 6 featuring the whole school, an input from our Educational Psychologist and our local Community Safety Officer from Police Scotland. The session is not suitable for children to attend due to content being discussed.

On Thursday evening children and families from P3,4,6 and 7 are invited to attend a short service in St Cuthbert’s Church for presentation of their Family Workbook for Sacrament Preparation.

We were delighted and very grateful to have two of our dads facilitate the start of after school classes in badminton and football this week. Partnership working ensures we provide our pupils with a variety of opportunities.

Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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