Miss McKendry’s update!

P1 have been working hard with their letter formation and their sounds and blending. They read about a fantastic elephant called Elmer and created their class charter.

P1b also continue to work hard on their numbers and sounds and blending. They have worked on their Road Safety posters all about the theme ‘Stop, Look and Listen’. They also created their class charter.

Primary 2 have been working hard on remembering capital letters and full stops to correctly form sentences in writing. They have been discussing the meaning of the word ‘unique’ and creating self-portraits including their unique features.

Primary 3 have enjoyed beginning work on their David Livingstone topic. They also discussed the church’s liturgical colours and at what times throughout the year these are displayed.

Primary 3/4 had great fun on Wednesday watching Cressida Cowell on Authors’ Live. She even tweeted to thank them for watching. On Thursday they celebrated Roald Dahl Day. They read the dream chapter from The BFG and then discussed our dreams and aspirations for the future.

Primary 4 have been continuing to work hard on learning about numbers to 10,000. They have also been investigating the properties of 2D shape and have learned to recognise regular and irregular shapes. They finished making their Roman centurions and learned more about the Roman army.

Primary 5 have been developing strategies to help make detailed and organised notes when researching all about their topic ‘The Rainforest’. In maths they have been continuing to develop their knowledge of place value and have been looking at different strategies for mental addition. In Science, they were continuing to learn about different layers of The Rainforest and the species that live there.

Primary 6 focussed on the binary number system during Maths Week Scotland. They have begun their WWII topic and have been investigating the causes of the war. In R.E. they have begun to learn the strategies for Quiet Prayer. They are excited for their nursery buddy interviews.

Primary 7 studies the life of Roald Dahl in their unseen text using their reading strategies to understand the content. They explored the life of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and are more familiar with his buildings and designs. They have explored the Rights of the Child and understand that not all children in the world have the same rights.


Thank you Miss McKendry for updating the blog this week!



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