For our first meeting with Miss Irvine we spoke about what is good about Whalsay School
- having rules
- school is clean and tidy
- teachers
- school dinners
- Sumdog
- Swings and play equipment
- Extra activities like African Drumming
- Golden Time
- Fruity Friday
Miss Irvine then asked what is not going so well
- People dropping food on the floor in the canteen
- Some people arguing, being unkind and rude to others at Breaktimes
- Litter blowing around the playground when it’s windy
- Some people are not respecting other people’s property
- The swings need painting
- Some people are not having healthy snacks
We spoke about how we can fix these things
- Miss Irvine to speak to supervisors to keep an eye on pupils in the canteen √
- Pupil Council to organise an assembly and ‘wear it blue’ day to raise awareness for Anti-bullying week in November √
- Pupils asked for more School Rules around the computer and suggested they be the screen saver for all computers √
- Miss Irvine to ask ECO Group to manage litter problems
- Encourage more fruit days, make a display showing healthy and unhealthy snacks