Tag Archives: PE

P7 Trip to Bridge End

Last week the Primary 7 children had an activity packed overnight trip out of the Isle and even the rain couldn’t dampen their spirits.

We first headed to the Gilbertson Hall for some extreme Frisbee and Dodgeball, delivered by active schools, after the golf was rained off.

The rain forced us indoors so we had an impromptu visit to the museum before heading to the Clickimin for swimming.

After working up an appetite we headed for some food at the Chinese where it was great to spend time chatting over dinner.

We travelled to Bridge End and got the chance to get settled in and it was finally dry so we could get outside to stretch our legs.

In the evening we were able to visit with Joy and enjoying an African Drumming session.

The next day we went for a visit to the Outpost, where we were lucky enough to meet all the animals and feed them. David spoke to us about all the animals and was a great host with many of the children saying that this part of their trip was the best part. We particularly loved the dancing emus, Kylie and Jason!


PE peg game

This week we were at PE we played this game called the peg game. You had to clip two pegs to your T shirt. The aim of the game was to steal a peg from someone’s T shirt.

To start with every one was it and everyone  had two pegs. some people would team up and some would not and if you teamed up you would not go for the people on your teams peg when you steal the pegs you put them on you t shirt.

I would definitely play this game again it was really fun. Everyone was going for Miss Paterson it was really funny.

Our next steps are work in better teams so you can get the most pegs.

By Mollie and Una