Tag Archives: Award

Climate Smarter – Shetland Final

May saw our class finalists attend the Shetland Climate Smarter Event at the Shetland Museum.

On arrival Alyshia, Annie, Bella, Lola and Morgan set up their entry ahead of their presentation. They then delivered their presentation about their learning and school model to the judges.

Following the presentation their thoughts about the event and STEM learning were captured by BBC Shetland.

The girls, then had the opportunity to take part in a variety of STEM challenges, all of which were scored. The judges were looking at how well they completed the tasks but more importantly for the team work that was displayed.

They were lucky enough to receive a runner up prize of £50 which we have used to buy STEM games for the class.

All of the children have worked really hard on this topic and as a result they have received their Level 2 Young Stem Leader Award. I would like to say a huge well done to all the children for their hard work.