John Muir

On Thursday 18th of April P7  had John Muir we  went to kergord and Pete and Grant was our helpers. Kergord is a very big woodland there are lots of trees and old bases made of sticks. First we were put in pairs and then we had to walk up to an old stone house. Then we had to go back down by our selves. After that we played follow the leader up the burn. Once we were all up the burn we had our snack. After that we built our bases out of sticks and branches we found on the ground. We were in boy and girl teams. Once we had finished building our bases then we had our dinner in the old house. Pete made a roof for the old house for shelter.  After that we looked at both the boys base and the girls base to see which one was better. At the end we didn’t have much time so we just played the worlds best game.  It was really fun and we have another John Muir in June.

by Henry and Annie

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