Climate Smarter Project

This term the children have been taking part in a STEM topic all about being Climate Smarter. They have  been learning about renewable energies through practical activities. This topic is being taught across several schools in Shetland and as part of the topic there is a learning event to be held at the Lerwick museum in May.

As part of the topic the children have to work in groups to design and plan an Eco school, which incorporates renewable energy and showcases their learning.

We are able to take one group to the learning event in May where a competition is to be held between the schools to see which school has come up with the best design.

We are therefore going to be holding an in school event, at the end of March, for the children to present their schools to a panel of judges so that we can select the team going to represent the class in Lerwick.

The children have selected their groups and are excited to be getting started on their models and presentations. I know that some of the children are eager to get together outside of school to add to their projects. They are more than welcome to do this but please be reassured that this is not compulsory and we have left enough time in class to work on these projects.

We wish all the children the best in the competition, happy building!!

Police Visit and Internet Safety

On Wednesday the police came to our school to teach us about drugs and anti social behavior. Anti social behavior is when some one does something that hurts some one  unintentionally or intentionally. We also learned that drugs can be in sweetie. We also got to hold the baton and we got to get handcuffed.

Internet safety day was on Tuesday we watched a video and we had to draw a poster. We learned  that AI stands for artificial intelligence. We also learned that AI is not always fact and we had to think about how to spot fake information. The posters had to be appropriate for the whole school

By Morgan and Tom