Primary 1 Whalsay School 2021-22

Learning together.

September 10, 2021
by Mrs Irvine

A Busy Week

We have had a busy week in P1. The children are now coming in for full days and are settling in well. They have been using the computers, visiting library and getting to know their music and art teachers. The children have been learning about t and i, and can now recognise these sounds in spoken words. Everyone is beginning to be aware what happens when we put letters together to make words. They made tigers and insects to practise learning our sounds as well as cutting, drawing and concentration skills.

The class have also been learning about 2D shapes and their properties.

Everyone has been practising their skills through play:

September 3, 2021
by Mrs Irvine

We Are All Special

Today Primary 1 were thinking about what made them different and similar to each other. They agreed that everyone had eyes, ears, hair and arms and legs and so on, but that not all these things were exactly the same. Everyone talked about their favourite things and compared the things they had in common. It was agreed that although were are different, everyone is an individual and that makes everyone special. Then they talked about special people in their lives and what made them special. Everyone then used a mirror to look at themselves and draw a picture of their face. They were encouraged to add as much detail as they could by looking carefully at eyes, noses and mouths. Scribed comments about favourite and special things were added later. They all did a fabulous job!

Here are the finished pieces:


September 2, 2021
by Mrs Irvine

Proud Moments

Some of the children asked me to take photos of their successful achievements during smart start activities.


Smart start is how we settle into the day in P1. There are different trays with activities that allow the children to develop skills in literacy and numeracy, build finger strength in fine motor and develop problem solving skills through STEM. The trays are rotated daily so every child gets a chance to experience these areas over the week and Friday is free choice day, where the child can choose a tray based on an activity they have enjoyed over the week. The activities are changed every four weeks to ensure a range of skills are covered.

August 31, 2021
by Mrs Irvine


This week we are learning about ‘s’. We have been learning to writing ‘s’ outside and inside, spotting ‘s’ in our environment and finding objects with the ‘s’ sound in them.

August 24, 2021
by Mrs Irvine


It was a froggy day in P1 today. The older children found a frog at playtime and it generated so much excitement in our class. The children painted pictures of frogs and we sang some froggy songs! Here are some of the paintings. We are going to display them all in our classroom.

August 20, 2021
by Mrs Irvine

A Successful First Week

Today the children were introduced to the smart start activity trays that we use in P1 at the beginning of the day. This allows children time to settle and practise new skills. Some of the children asked me to take their picture because they were proud of their achievements.

Today we talked about drawing pictures to show information and the children were asked to draw themselves doing something they had enjoyed, and everyone did really well. Here are the results.

Here are some more pictures of our activities today. Enjoy the weekend!

August 19, 2021
by Mrs Irvine

It’s all new!

This has been another busy day in P1. Everyone settled in well and did really well remembering our morning routine. The children were delighted to see their ‘peerie selves’ which we made yesterday. These are small cut outs of the children in different poses they can incorporate into their play which will help develop communication and creativity. P1 had music today with Mr Sandison, library with Elizabeth and also practiced point, click and drag skills during computing. Well done P1!

August 18, 2021
by Mrs Irvine

A Great First Day!

It has been a busy first day! Everyone made a ‘first day’ keepsake which is in their school bags. Children have been learning through play with short activities. This week we will be working on getting to know each other and establishing rules and routines. See you all again tomorrow!

August 17, 2021
by Mrs Irvine

Wednesday 18th August

Tomorrow is hopefully going to be an exciting day for our new P1 class. Please drop off your child/children at 8.55 am at the classroom door at as you did for our moving up day.

Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 restrictions, parents are not currently permitted into the classroom for the usual photo opportunities. However, I will be updating this blog throughout the week with pictures of the children’s first day/week of school.

If you have anything you wish to discuss about your child starting school, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

I am looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow and beginning our learning adventure.

Kind regards,

Mrs Irvine

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