Term 1
MRI Scanner appeal
Miss Irvine bought a bag of 100 bulbs from the MRI Scanner appeal for the eco group to sell. The Eco Group decided to sell them at lunchtime and 3:15 every day for a few days and raised £120 for the MRI Scanner appeal. Some of the Eco group went to Lerwick with Miss Irvine to present the money to the charity.
Term 2
SANDS stamps
Term 3
January meeting
We completed a Digital learning survey and thought about classrooms of the future with no jotters or paper, pens, pencils or teachers!
The Eco Group decided to do a Litter Survey next week and at the next meeting organise a competition for the Bottle Cap Art.
Bottle Cap Art
Laurence told the group that there are a lot of bottle caps left over so there would be enough for another pice of art.
Green Goblin
The Green Goblin stickers are stuck on classroom and office doors if they leave the light on at break or lunch. The Eco group thought they would try hard to remember to do this more often.
Salt water experiment
The 2017 Eco group made up jars of items to see how long each takes to disintegrate. These jars are kept in the library and we had a look at them to see how they are getting on…