We have had a busy couple of weeks in nursery.
Lots of play has been happening inside with our shop and the blocks, and we have been doing lots of painting!
We have also been very busy outside and we even found a very strange insect with a lot of legs!
On Tuesday we went for a walk to the shop to get wir errands. We made wir list before we went and knew exactly what we were looking for. Catherine also showed wiz some of the things that they use in the shop.
This week Miss Stewart went on an emerging literacy pre-handwriting course and she got us to draw under a table! This is very good for wir gross motor development and we had great fun doing it!
She also showed us some symbols that we can practice drawing. These are important symbols for pre-handwriting, once we can do them we will be able to start wrting letters and numbers.
Cutting skills are also very important for pre-handwriting to strengthen up the muscles in our hands.
Today is Children In Need so we all came to nursery wearing wir pyjamas and we took in some donations. We made some very colourful Pudsey pictures too.