P5 Trip to the Tingwall Trees

On Tuesday, we all went up to the trees on the hill ! After the long hike, we left our bags and jackets behind and started to explore. After a while, we found a good place to have our snack. We decided to make a den. We spread out with a partner and collected as many big sticks as possible ! The result of the den was awesome, and we had a while to spare before we had to go back to school. It was a really fun day and luckily the sun was shining ! We all had a great time, and we thought it came to an end too soon !

By Lexi

Snapshot – beginning of Term 4!

We’re well and truly back into the term now….cant believe how quickly time is flying! We’ve been busy!


All pupils have been learning about fractions over the past couple of weeks and they’re making super progress. This week, most pupils have been finding fractions of amounts and simplifying fractions.


We’re doing SRA in reading this term. This is something new for the P5s & P6s. SRA is a differentiated reading program, where pupils have individual reading cards, followed by comprehension activities, which they then correct themselves and record their results. I have been incredibly impressed by the reading skills and work the pupils have been completing.


P567 are currently writing a story to enter into the Shetland Young Writer competition (if they want).

We are using this opportunity to learn all about all the elements of story writing – and have already learned about a story’s structure – ‘Story Mountain’ and how to write a really good opening to a story.


This term in topic, we are looking at the human body. So far, pupils have learned about the skeleton, where the organs in the body are, and how the circulatory system works. Pupils particularly enjoyed getting outside to ‘walk through’ the circulation system. They were able to follow the route blood cells take to and from the heart and become ‘oxyegenated’ and ‘deoxygenated’. The AHS have leant us 2 excellent models, one of a skeleton and one of an anatomically correct torso. The kids have loved investigating these.

Voar Redd Up

Pupils all took part in the Voar Redd Up a couple of weeks ago. I was so impressed at how responsible all the bairns were around the roads. They did a terrific job. 

P7 Transition

The P7s have had a super trip to the AHS. We were shown around by Mrs Scollay, the S1-S2 depute head. We got a chance to see all around the school, and ask lots of questions. The P7s had a great time, and seemed to love the high school! 



The P6s have begun spending some time with their nursery buddies. These are the peerie wans that will be coming into P1 next year. The P6s are already incredible big buddies and I know they are going to be amazing P7 buddies next year.      

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