Learning in Nursery This Week

Transition experiences for those transferring into Primary 1 after the summer holidays continues in the nursery this week.  On Monday, the children were able to speak to and meet with Mrs Anderson in their small group while the current P1s were at their PE lesson.  They were then able to go to the primary toilets and become more familiar with those, before going through to the school canteen.  Children were served lunch by the canteen ladies and had their first experience of the processes involved there.  Afterwards, they were able to play in the playground attached to the P1 classroom, and then further outside with the older children in the class.

The Nursery children who are not transferring after summer enjoyed the extra space by themselves for a little while.

On Thursday, Transition activities continued again with more of the same.  We hope with this weekly consistent approach to play and learning, the children will all feel more connected and reassured as they prepare to move up, after the holidays.

In other areas of play and learning, the children have been exploring number and number processes through the “loose parts” in the setting.  We have been comparing numbers, counting, ordering and matching.  We have also been measuring the length of things and looking at the number on a number line.  Understanding number and number processes can be engaged with so much more easily, when children are able to hold, see and play with numbers in their hands, before holding them in their heads.

Fine motor skills continue to be developed as well as exploring properties of water and sand.  The outdoor environment is one of the most resourceful places in the nursery to experience every day learning such as weather, seasons, growth, community etc.  We have enjoyed exploring these this week again too.

We have painted stones, made marks, painted pictures, built towers, played games, taken turns, read stories, eaten together and spoken with the staff and other friends in the setting.  All of these things help us with our skills for life.

Most of all, we have had fun and enjoyed the experiences, spaces and interactions with our nursery people.  Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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