Our learning journey this week

We have had another super week, enjoying more light and the changing seasons.  We have been looking for signs of spring and spotting bulb plants like snowdrops and crocuses.

We have enjoyed being outside in the park and exploring how to use the large resources there.  We have been speaking about how we are aware of the spaces we use and how to move our bodies safely in the bigger outdoor space.

Some children made a stage from blocks and put on a puppet show this week.

We also had a visit from Child Smile, reminding us how to brush our teeth, and how important it is to do that for healthy teeth and gums.

We have some visual reminders now up in nursery showing our  nursery rules.  We have spoken about these a few times this week, particularly at the beginning of the session and any times when children may need a reminder of them.  The 4 rules are:

Gentle hands, gentle feet, quiet voices and be kind to our toys and friends.

The children have been building amazing things again this week.  We have had bonfires with marshmallows, a campervan, a puppet show stage, towers and a salmon feed boat and salmon cage from built from Lego blocks.

We have been singing songs, reading stories, writing messages, using numbers, exploring our environments and learning through play.  Our quiet space has been used more this week as children seek out a quieter space in our setting.  There are blankets, fairy lights, cushions and different materials in there to relax with.

Next week our song of the week is the days of the week song, our story of the week is The 3 Little Pigs and our rhyme of the week is Incy Wincy Spider.  If parents want to explore some more super resources from bookbug, here is a helpful link.

Bookbug Song and Rhyme Library – Scottish Book Trust

We have had a lovely week and we hope you enjoy your weekend!


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