Our first curriculum week of session 2024/25 starts on 23/09 and will focus on Maths in line with Maths Week Scotland. Curriculum weeks allow the whole school to focus on an aspect of the curriculum and share our learning.
From Nursery to Primary 7, learners will participate in additional numeracy and maths activities that support engagement through outdoor learning, make links to other curricular areas and to the world of work through STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Maths displays in the canteen will share learning from curriculum week. Â Some classes may also choose to take part in national online challenges such as Times Tables Rock Stars.
Number Notion packs will go home on Monday with all P2-7 learners. The packs include activities and a learning grid to support family learning as well as the consolidation and development of Maths/Numeracy knowledge and skills. Please make sure that your child/children take their Number Notion packs back to school on Friday 27th September.  Primary one learners will take home paper copies of Maths/Numeracy Family Learning grids for use at home throughout our curriculum week. Please take the time to engage with your child/children in these activities.
The Maths Week Scotland website includes lots of resources for use at home as well as school – see link below.
In addition to this, professional learning for teachers will focus on Numeracy and Maths. Miss Rebecca Simpson, P6 teacher, is leading a twilight session on the Effective Use of Questioning to support assessment in Numeracy and Mathematics.
Enjoy our curriculum week in line with Maths Week Scotland everyone!