All posts by Mrs Ritchie

Olympic obstacle with our Buddies

As part of Health week, the pupil council asked for an Olympic inspired obstacle course.  Our obstacle course developed agility, stamina, coordination, balance and many more skills athletes need to participate at a high standard.  Our buddies came along and did it with us.  They had already done it in their PE time, so could keep us right.


Bubby PE

This week our bubbies joined us for some of our PE time.  We were starting our block of racket activities.  We used short tennis rackets and soft trainer tennis balls.  Our buddy helped by rolling and throwing the ball for us to stop it and roll it back and hit it back.  We also had a shot at rolling the ball for our buddies to use the bat to send it back.


Primary 1 having been doing athletics in PE.  We have learnt that athletics consists of running, jumping and throwing.  We have practiced our 6 sports day events, which are

  • 30m sprint
  • 1 minute, 10m shuttle run
  • one handed over head throw
  • 2 handed overhead throw
  • standing long jump
  • 30 second rebound jump


We have continued working on games in PE, but with more of a focus on games with equipment.  We have been mainly using balls, working on aiming, throwing, catching, tracking the ball and basic attacking and defending skills.  We have loved the block.


We have been doing games in PE.  We are aiming to develop  understanding of movement and positioning, cooperation and perform some basic skills in simple contexts.

Here we are working together and following simple tasks.


In PE we have started term 3 off with Dance.   We follow a scheme of work which involves a lot of movement both travelling and on the spot.  We look at a lot of contrasting ways like lively and gentle and fast and slow.  We also include counting, stopping and starting at the right time, changing direction, using the space well, creativity and imagination.

In our first lesson one of the activities was to make different shapes on the spot and try to hold them before changing to a new shape.   Here are some of our clever body shapes.


Week 6 Gymnastics

This was our last week of gymnastics.  The class have loved this block, especially the equipment.  Everyone has worked so hard.  We have seen lots and lots of learning taking place including balance and control, co-ordination, gross motor skills, core stability, strength, flexibility, stamina and confidence, as well as less obvious aspects like respect and tolerance, decision making and prioritising.  A great block with so much effort put in.  Well done P1B.

Here we are exploring this weeks equipment.

Gymnastics week 5

More excitement this week in the form of a trampette.  This is a miniature trampoline that you use like a springboard.  The pupil steps on and jumps off showing a 1 foot-2 feet-2 feet foot pattern.  Other changes included a double bar, a high bench, a high ladder, obstacles on the beam, the springboard beside our long box and the wide box was another block higher.

Here we are in action.


P1B are loving the gym equipment.

Week 2  saw a different set up for the pupils to explore.  The main differences were we had the ropes out, included a change of direction, the wide box was slightly higher and the bench up to the long box was flat and lower.

Here are some pictures of us working.


We are doing gymnastics in PE.  We have loved the block so far, especially last weeks first experience on the equipment.  We have been balancing, jumping, rolling, taking the weight on our hands, travelling, swinging, climbing and much more.  Here are some pictures.