Tag Archives: positional language

Outdoor Learning – Positional Language

Primary 2 we’re using their knowledge of positional language words (on, under, next to, to the left) in the wildlife area. We took turns suggesting positional language and had to show it with our bodies.
We were using our focusing meta-skills to focus our attention to show positional language using the natural resources.
Pupil voice ‘Look I am on a tree!’ ‘I am on the right of the wall.’ ‘I am under the branch.’
‘look I am on the puddle but only for like a second and then I am in it!’
Our next steps are to use our positional language knowledge to instruct others where to go by writing directions.

Numeracy Week Outdoor Learning


This week is ‘numeracy week’ at Sound Primary School, today for outdoor learning the adults were encouraging learners to notice number and beyond number learning in the outdoors. The class enjoyed exploring and playing in the wildlife area and for our group time Mrs Sjoberg encouraged us to use ‘positional language’ – we were pointing out our right and left, sitting ‘on’ top of something, lying ‘next’ to something, going ‘under’ something, climbing ‘over’ something.

Children’s voice:

‘This puddle is making splashing sounds, and the mud is ‘squelching’. The child then told Mrs Sjoberg how to segment these words using their phonics knowledge. ‘S-P-L-A-SH’

‘This stick is longer than his stick… My stick is shorter, if I add this stick too with cellotape then it is longer than his’.

‘I am jumping in ‘muddy’ puddles, my boots have mud on them’… ‘I can spell mud, M-U-D’.

‘I feel safe because this part was slippery on the tree so I am moved to this bit.’

‘Look this tree still has – 1,2,3,4,5,6,7… leaves on it, I wonder if they will be there next week or falled off?’

‘This acorn baby looks like a ‘c’ (child then showed me the action for ‘c’ and sang the ‘c’ song).

WE LOVE OUTDOOR LEARNING! (Especially on a rainy day!)