Morning in the life of a Primary 1

We always start our day with at least 45 minutes of uninterrupted free play today we had over 70 minutes as the class were so engaged in their play. Children lead their learning in their play and as adults we join in to further their learning or when invited to share in their play. Following on from floating and sinking activities earlier in the week, pupils wanted to use junk modelling to create boats and asked for water to test if they float.  Others created a fantastic block play and loose parts farm which they asked to include in our floor book.

We spent some time revising our tricky words in the messiest manner possible and visited the new school garden to enjoy reading with our friends. Learners were able to recognise their tricky words in real story books and were using their phonics knowledge to read independently.
We then sang our alphabet song and pupils practised writing capital letters in alphabetical order on whiteboards. Then we ate snack and had fun speaking about our best parts of Primary 1. ☺️


Balloon Phonics Fun

Our new diagraph sound is ‘wh’ today we had a fantastic time reading wh words by having a balloon party and then reading our balloon when the music stopped. 🎶

Sewing and Electricity

Some children asked to do sewing, they learned how to thread the needles and to join 2 pieces of felt together and add ribbons. There have been a mixture of creations from jelly fish, to snails to dinosaurs.

We’ve been exploring circuits in our play provision. Learning to create a circuit which powers a light. 💡

‘it needs a battery to make it work, like electricity in our switches!’
‘I managed to add a switch too so I can turn my light on and off!’


Outdoor Learning

We enjoy regular outdoor learning in Primary 1A, we have 1-2 dedicated outdoor sessions per week in addition to additional outdoor play opportunities all day. We have been using our communicating metaskills of talking about memories and experiences upon returning to class in addition to linking our knowledge of how our local landscape has changed over the seasons and course of Primary 1.

‘I found a shell that had patterns on it and she found one that looked like the other half!’
‘I like the feeling of the sand, it makes me calm to come to the beach!’
‘Outdoor learning is my favourite time of the week!’

Term 2

Primary 1A have been using paper to make ‘laptops’ and shown lots of interest in role playing ‘offices’. Luckily, we were given an old monitor and keyboard as well as two phones so pupils created an office in the classroom. Post it’s have provided lots of mark making opportunities, taking phone orders and messages and exploring the outdoor space with note making.

Mrs Sjoberg collected a huge box of conkers on holiday, we’ve been painting some, ordering by size, using them to count and some pupils chose to make numbers and phonemes using them. Lastly, we are getting quicker at ordering our human numberline and are so good at communicating with each other whilst supporting each other to get into the correct order.

So happy to see the pupils back in class after the holidays and so engaged in their play.

Number in Primary 1

Number and maths learning in Primary 1 takes many forms. We love exploring mathematical concepts in the outdoor space such as speed and distance using our loose parts, using different items to transport sand whist learning about capacity.

Inside we’ve been enjoying exploring our problem solving skills through puzzles and our loose parts and block play. Some of the photos below include number board games, number recognition and forming numbers in sand as well as exploring shapes and colour on our lightbox. We have completed 1-5 in our number study using the numberblocks as well as exploring songs and rhymes daily that include numbers.

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